recorded my 1st band

datman wrote on 4/15/2011, 1:16 PM
I wanted to post how great Vegas worked for me. I posted a while back about a bunch of problems I has doing a multi-channel recording. I even shorted out my interface.

I got the chance to record a different band, these guys rock too. I recorded 12 channels 4 drum mics 2 guitars, bass, 3 vocal mics and a stereo mic for the room ( I didn’t use for the master)

I used a several plugins in conjunction with the plugin chainer and the presets in the wavehammer e.g. drums, guitar, bass and vocal. They were very good and extremely easy to setup.

The band is completely stoked. They said no one has ever recoded them even close to that even so called professionals. They over produced the sound, the band said.

I may be tooting my own horn but you guy developing the software deserve most of the credit

I did have one hurdle. When I recorded in 24/48 there was a latency problem the wave form lagged way behind. It seems like I can record 3 or 4 tracks in 24/ 48 and take a break and let the computer catch up, Before clicking stop. I looking into how to tweak XP and the laptop is a 2.3g P4 processor so I think I can do 10 channels @ 24/48

Once again thanks for a great program. The band asked me if I used “Protools” I said no I use Vegas, Protools has nothing on Vegas


rraud wrote on 4/15/2011, 3:33 PM
Not to devalue Vegas or SCS, but that has somewhat little to do with how good (or bad) your project sounded or turned out.
Good mics, pre amps, AD converters certainly help but mostly the expertise of the engineer using the tools at hand.
PS- I'm surprised there were no comments about Vegas and what aren't you using Protools is, (aka, slo-tools) because it's the 'best' DAW... and the usual diatribe because so-and-so (band) and so-and-so (producer) uses it.
I use Vegas mostly for audio-post but I dare not mention it, because this happened.
Phone conversation as I recall and summarized to make a point : Client: "We really liked what you did with the sound on that 'I don't recall' program, would you have time next week to work on our new project? Me: "Sure, I'd be happy to" ... later.. Client: " the 'Joe Blow' interview needs some work because... this problem and that problem.. so when you get it into Protools, can you remove this and clean up that? Me: "from what you describe it shouldn't be a problem, but I actually use Sony Vegas because it's a lot click...... hello?..... are you still there?... dial tone...
datman wrote on 4/15/2011, 8:10 PM
I'll remeber that if I ever start making any money

and about the mics, a/d converter yea you are so right it's just the mastering was so easy
datman wrote on 4/16/2011, 7:17 AM
Last night I tweaked XP and set several thing as suggested

The only way I can duplicate 12 channels of input without a bunch of splitters is use the same 2 channels multiple times. After the tweaks I had in essence 22 channels recording and I had no latency issues being that the most I will ever use is 12. I think that problem is solved