Remove all video FX?

Lyris wrote on 11/16/2010, 1:25 PM
We're about to go into final post on a short film.
So that the footage can be successfully graded and in some cases cropped in post, we need to undo any Video FX and any Crops/Zooms we've generated in Vegas.

Is there a script we can run to automate this task, and basically return each clip to its original "pure" state? Or do we have to go through each clip individually?

Many thanks


altarvic wrote on 11/16/2010, 9:39 PM
There are several scripts that can do what you need. For example, Vegasaur toolkit contains Effects tool for these purposes + several one-click commands, such as Reset Pan/Crop, Remove all FX etc. (or you can try to find free alternatives)
JohnnyRoy wrote on 11/17/2010, 7:08 AM
VASST Ultimate S Pro can do this as well.

Rosebud wrote on 11/17/2010, 7:45 AM
If you are using Vegas Pro 10, there is no need for a script:
Copy an event without any fx & pan/crop and use the paste event atribute feature.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 11/17/2010, 12:07 PM
> Copy an event without any fx & pan/crop and use the paste event atribute feature.

Ouch! I've done that by accident and it certainly works! (very clever)

Lyris wrote on 11/23/2010, 7:37 AM
Thanks for the pointers guys. I'm on Vegas Pro 8 (actually going over to Premiere after this short is done) so I've resorted to doing this by hand.