I use Sony Vegas Pro 13 for editing my films the issue ! I have a stuck pixels in some of the scene footage the director of my film used Canon 60 D DSLR. Does anyone on here know how I can get these stuck pixels out of the scenes?
From a similar question on this forum a year or so ago, a recommendation was made for Pixel Fixer http://www.pixelfixer.org - it is free, and it looks like it supports your camera if it is an EOS 60D.
If you have Boris BCC for Vegas, the package contains a pixel fixer also called Pixel Fixer.
my 70D came with a lot of stuck pixels (red ones) and there a process if i recall, opening the sensor for cleaning for a few minutes with the cap on the camera.
That software is outdated tried it didn't work to remove these red pixels in my film in post production. Is there anyway in Sony Vegas Pro 13 to color in these pin dot stuck red pixels? I know in Premier - After Effects there are tools in that software to do it. But I have SV not PA.
Just using built in tools, you can use the convolution kernel filter with this matrix:
.125 .125 .125
.125 0 .125
.125 .125 .125
This averages the surrounding pixels and replaces the bad pixel with the average.
However, the hard part is to draw a 3x3 pixel mask right over the bad pixel. A better way would be to bring a still into photoshop or similar tool and build the mask there.
I have had problems over the years with stuck (white) pixels. The method that I found that works the best is to perform a median filter thru a mask around the offending pixels. This works well, but takes forever. Although this may not work for the red ones.
I did manage to find an alternative that works well and is quite fast. it is "PixelPatcher hot pixel fixer". This filter requires a mask of the bad pixels (made by shooting black and getting a frame grab). Apply the filter pointing to the mask and you are done. I usually pull the black frame into my favorite image editor and slam them to 255 before using it.
Again, it may not work for red, but it then again it may.
convolution kernel filter is a video FX. Same place as all of the other video FX.
As another poster mentioned, the median filter could also work. Math is a little different but you probably won't see much difference between the two.
The real work is creating the mask over the bad pixels. For the convolution kernel you want either a 1x1 or 3x3 pixel mask. Which depends on if the filter will pull data from outside the mask to calculate the center pixel so I'd try it both ways and see what happens.