Render problems

Stebu wrote on 8/9/2014, 7:59 PM
I am working with Vegas Pro 9, Windows 7.
There is probably an easy way to go about it but not being too familiar with computers I would like to ask for your help.
For the first time I cant render. It states "The system is low on memory".
I dont think the statement refers to my Hard Drive (626 GB free of 931 GB) but to my RAM 8 GB. However, I dont know how to access this memory and how and what to possibly delete.
I have de-fragmented and used disk cleanup and delete.
It would be greatly appreciated if anybody could work me thru this. Thanks a lot.


OldSmoke wrote on 8/9/2014, 8:05 PM
Are you buy any chance trying to render Quicktime related source material?

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

Stebu wrote on 8/9/2014, 8:12 PM
Yes - some transitions are Quicktime.
OldSmoke wrote on 8/9/2014, 8:25 PM
Are you rendering to Quicktime too? Maybe DNxHD? Have you tried other codecs?

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

Stebu wrote on 8/9/2014, 8:54 PM
Thanks for your reply.
Let me put it this way. I have used Quicktime transitions before. I just rendered a project with them about a week ago. No problem.
Concerning 'rendering to Quicktime' or DNxHD or other codecs I have no idea about. I am not that familiar with computers / software and dont know how to change any of those.
Does Quicktime present a problem for Vegas ?
Why didnt it effect my work from a little over a week ago ?

Could you advise me of any procedures to rectify my situation ? Thanks.
OldSmoke wrote on 8/9/2014, 10:40 PM
What do you actually mean with "Quicktime transitions"?

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

Stebu wrote on 8/9/2014, 11:20 PM
Old Smoke,
I definitely appreciate your advise.
Please bear with me.
"Quicktime" transitions (to me now) means downloads from 'Video Blocks' that I applied.
Why is my memory (so) down ?
Any suggestion

I appreciate your advise.

Duncan H wrote on 8/10/2014, 2:13 AM
Hi Stebu.
It might help to understand your process a little more. What is the source footage (if you are able to advise). What format are you trying to render your video? How long is your project (mins, hours)? Have you included a large number of video effects or transitions? Have you had any similar experiences on this P.C in the past on other video projects? Are you mixing different types of footage on the project timeline? Do you only have Vegas running or do you have alot of other programs sunning when trying to edit / render?
Stebu wrote on 8/10/2014, 9:53 PM
Hi Duncan,
my footage consists of shots from my Sony Handycam HDV 1080i, but primarily from 'old' DVDs converted thru my ADCV-300 and then combined with various pictures and transitions as well as some stock footage (from VideoBlocks).
The project is 1 hour long and I have basically utilized the same method and more or less the same amount of transitions and (QuickTime) stock footage before.
I have done this since 2011 on an almost regular basis. Last time was just a little over a week ago - and never had any render or other problems.
I am trying to render to the default setting of 'Main Concept MPEG-2'.

Something is occupying my memory.
OldSmoke had questioned Quicktime. Can you give me any advise on that ?
And while I am at it (please forgive me) how do I find which other programs are running ?
Thanks in advance.
Duncan H wrote on 8/10/2014, 9:59 PM
Hi Stebu,

Cntrol+Alt+ Del will pop up a window, then choose "Task manager". This then gives you a series of tabs, you might like to explore "Processes" and "performance" tabs, as these might help you identify what other programs are perhaps occupying your memory.

Good luck.
OldSmoke wrote on 8/10/2014, 10:14 PM
It might well be that your Windows PC has a received an automatic update for Quicktime; a version change that is now not working properly. You could try reinstalling Quicktime.

Proud owner of Sony Vegas Pro 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 and now Magix VP15&16.

System Spec.:
Motherboard: ASUS X299 Prime-A

Ram: G.Skill 4x8GB DDR4 2666 XMP

CPU: i7-9800x @ 4.6GHz (custom water cooling system)
GPU: 1x AMD Vega Pro Frontier Edition (water cooled)
Hard drives: System Samsung 970Pro NVME, AV-Projects 1TB (4x Intel P7600 512GB VROC), 4x 2.5" Hotswap bays, 1x 3.5" Hotswap Bay, 1x LG BluRay Burner

PSU: Corsair 1200W
Monitor: 2x Dell Ultrasharp U2713HM (2560x1440)

Steve Mann wrote on 8/11/2014, 8:34 AM
It's been a year, so here's a repost..

Low Memory or Out of Memory does not mean "Not enough RAM", though adding RAM can sometimes fix a "Low Memory" waning. A "Low Memory" warning means that you have exceeded your commit limit. You need either a bigger page file, more physical memory, or both.

One of the biggest sources of confusion over Windows memory usage is the whole concept of virtual memory compared to physical memory. Windows organizes memory, physical and virtual, into pages. Each page is a fixed size (typically 4 KB). To make things more confusing, there’s also a pagefile. Many Windows users still think of this as a swap file, a bit of disk storage that is only called into play when you absolutely run out of physical RAM. In versions of Windows starting with Vista, that is no longer the case. The most important thing to realize is that physical memory and the page file added together equal the commit limit, which is the total amount of virtual memory that all processes can reserve and commit. When the pool of commit memory goes low, it triggers the "Low Memory" warning from Windows. When a program needs more memory from the commit pool that is available, it halts with the "Low Memory" error. To add to the confusion, Windows also suggests that you can "close open applications" without telling you that all processes commit memory from the pool. Even if you only have one application running according to the Task Manager (which is impossible, by the way), you still have dozens of running processes in the background. For example - Windows loads MS Office applications into memory so that their applications will appear to load faster than the competition.

Your web browser program also consumes an awful lot of RAM. Try rebooting and do not run any Office or browser programs.
Stebu wrote on 8/11/2014, 6:34 PM
Steve, Duncan, OldSmoke,
thank you very much for your advise.
Everyone at this forum is always more then helpful and I fully appreciate your involvements.
When opening the Task Manager I have problems identifying certain programs. In addition, I don't know how to 're-instate' (all/some of) them at a later time and never mind Window programs that load to be faster than their competition. I understand your advise but don't really know how to deal with it.

However, I have a computer 'expert' come tomorrow evening and hopefully my problems can be solved and I will be able to follow your suggestions.
The only thing I don't quite get is the fact that I have rendered one hour footage with quite similar -if nor more- downloaded stock footage etc etc etc. and never had any problem whatsoever.
Anyhow, I hope by tomorrow evening my problem can be rectified. Meanwhile, thanks again for all your help.