
GillenFamily wrote on 10/24/2001, 8:50 PM
When rendering to output to tape (sony D8) camcorder, what option should I use? Mpeg, AVI, Preview? Good? Better?. Once rendered how do I send to tape. So far I have had to re-render in MGI Videowave and then output to tape. But there has to be a better way. HELP PLEASE!


PS. Also how do you overcome 4 gig limit?


FadeToBlack wrote on 10/24/2001, 10:03 PM
pelvis wrote on 10/24/2001, 10:35 PM
For that camera, you should render to the NTSC DV template (.avi).
GillenFamily wrote on 10/25/2001, 12:47 AM
Once again, Thanks. Everything working now. I am cunfused though, as to why when working with Digital Video (digital camcorder) we do not use Dv options but .avi options. Is .avi on a computer what DV is to a camcorder?