Rendering dvd output, playback sticks

cal79 wrote on 11/8/2011, 7:42 AM
Hi all,

Has anyone come across this, i'm getting playback sticking / glitches, over a 3min clip my project has had 4 of these glitches 45-50 secs apart when rendering out to MPEG 2 files for dvd , this is before it even gets to a disc, I'm having this issue in both v10 & v11 but not in any previous version? any help would be appreciated.


cal79 wrote on 11/10/2011, 2:56 AM
So i'm guessing i'm the only one suffering from this problem?

VP10 & VP11:
MPEG-2 finished renders not smooth all the way through, random glitches throughout, rendering any other file format is fine.

VP8 & VP9:
MPEG-2 Render output is fine, using the same settings.

What can I do to fix this?
Grazie wrote on 11/10/2011, 3:07 AM
Have you actually rendered to a Disc yet? I use RWs.

I can't say I've noticed any glitches, but unlike you I render EITHER directly from T/L, OR go straight into DVDA with my Vegas-rendered DVD files.

If you are seeing "glitches", where/how are you viewing? Within the Vegas T/L, are you importing back the MPG? And what else are you placing there to "check"?


- g

cal79 wrote on 11/10/2011, 5:52 AM
I am rending from the timeline just like you, I see the glitches when previewing the media in windows media player, I also see the glitches using DVDA preview,

I didn't burn the VP11 project to disc yet because of this.. but from previous experiance with another project in VP10 the glitches were on the dics also.. it's frustrating becasue the very same settings work fine in VP8 & VP9..(?)

dxdy wrote on 11/10/2011, 8:23 AM
What format are your source files? Are they QT? If so, what version of QT do you have installed? I have found 7.6.2 to be the most reliable.