
CClub wrote on 1/5/2008, 4:24 AM
I'm wondering where it's telling you that you don't have this option. I'm trying to figure out how this plugin works also as I just purchased it myself. I don't have a problem with it just rendering to avi, as I would think you'd want uncompressed footage when adding a clip to a working veg file that you'll be rendering again.

Not sure what this means: when you go to Render as, avi, you have a number of proDAD-Mercalli HD options: 1080 24p, 50i, 60i (and all 3 of those have two options available with the PAR setting changing from 1 to 1.3333), 720 25p, 30p, and then various DV options. I'm guessing that it's giving you these new codecs. I don't see a 1080 25p option in there. I wonder if you could just choose a specific area to render, Render As, choose the 1080 50i template, Custom, Video Tab, and change it to progressive, and then use the plugin on that clip? But that seems like a waste of time for a workaround that they should have given you as an original template. Maybe just email the company.

Edit: I was just clearing out my emails and I had an email from proDAD asking me if I had any questions on my purchase. I asked them about the 1080-25p issue... if I hear back from them on this, I'll repost here.