I have a roughly 90-minute render I am trying to do, but I am consistently getting a "The system is low on memory" error message at points in the render. I will put my specs in the images below, but the brief is:
Windows 10
Vegas 21.0
i5-9400 CPU
1080p Render
I first tried to get through rendering the entire thing, but it would fail with that message at about 16-17 minutes in. The preview screen then went red and I would need to restart Vegas, sometimes it would crash if I tried to Play.
I then tried putting the .veg file into another project and rendering with that instead (which has worked in some cases for me in the past), but it still failed.
I then resorted to rendering 10-minute sections, but it would also fail with the same message (at different places than the full 90-minute render, but again similar, but not the same places within those sections). It's made it to between 7.5-9.5 minute sections so far. It got through one 8-ish minute section and one 10-minute section without it failing (although with the larger renders it had made it to the roughly 16 minutes max consistently from the project beginning).
I tried to isolate as many causes and retry with settings changes as much as possible, but I need to finish the project, so I've just been rendering out as long as I can, then finding where it failed and starting another section to render. I'm hoping that I can stitch them together without it failing in another project.
I tried:
Running in the Compatibility mode for Windows 7
Turning off GPU acceleration in Video Preferences
Reducing Render Threads to 5
Turning off So4 options in Internal
Turning off GPU options in Internal
changing the Dynamic RAM preview to 0/50%/etc
Using RamMap to empty working sets of Memory during the render, keeping the "Memory usage" in the render dialog box below 4 GB
I think a few other things, I've lost track a bit
I am fairly sure that the issue is not actually a RAM issue, as I see no reason to believe that from the task manager, etc. The image with the task manager shows no change really when the render failed. The failure happened maybe 15ish seconds before, as shown in the GPU utilization in the other box in that image (the dip at about 3/4 through the graph).
A few notes:
Preview screen goes red after render crashes
this also sometimes happens randomly while editing, Vegas must be restarted for it to work again
Audio still plays sometimes with this red screen, sometimes it crashes the program
Nothing seems to be consistent with the places that it is failing, although they usually fail roughly in a similar place
After getting through a successful render, I tried the next section, and it failed much sooner, leaving me with a 40-second output file (this is the time I took the image attached of the error dialog box).
I did almost the same video for the same event last year, and that time I had no trouble rendering the entire 90-ish minutes. That was done on Vegas 18. The only real difference is the use of Adjustment Tracks/Events in this one. They made the process of editing much easier (and were a large part of the reason I wanted to update), but if they're the reason for these failed renders, that is not ideal. I did this edit with them pretty integral to the process, so I really didn't want to redo it or render without them, but this thread seems to be about a similar issue and seems to suggest they may be the culprit:
If it is indeed the Adjustment Media that is the problem, I would really like it if they are fixed ASAP... They're quite helpful for the workflow, but they are far less useful if they crash the render.
Any help/info would be appreciated. I'll likely be able to get this project done with these sections, but for future reference, I'd really prefer to not go through this. Thanks.