Rendering to Codecs not included With Vegas

Stringer wrote on 10/8/2014, 8:43 AM
I often see references to using 3rd party codecs, and was wondering if someone could point me in the direction to the basics of doing this.

For instance in a recent post, videoITguy suggests:

..." Whenever you have a project that is large and needlessly complex - the protocol is to break it down into sub-projects of manageable proportionate complexity and render those to a low stress video codec digital intermediate."

I'm sure the topic has been discussed here, but I'm not sure what to search for to zero in on what I am looking for..

You can imagine the number of hits I get if searching for " render, codec, export, etc...

Thanks in advance for any help..


Chienworks wrote on 10/8/2014, 9:43 AM
Most of them are available by choosing Uncompressed AVI, then selecting from the codec pull-down list in the Custom window. This will show a list of the 3rd party VFW codecs you have installed.

Lagarith seems to be a very common lossless codec used for this purpose. If you don't already have it installed a quick google search will lead you to the download page.
videoITguy wrote on 10/8/2014, 10:23 AM
The OP's questions is about equally divided into three parts.
1) Codecs included with the basic VegasPro install package are the codecs that SCS chooses to bundle
2) Installing third party codecs like MagicYUV or Lagarith is a matter of A) finding the installer package for such B) installing them on your PC C) using them within the VegasPro render dialogue
3) Many codecs are available in different containers, for example Cineform is a codec that can be wrapped in either .mov or .avi containers. The install procedure silently installs with its chosen wrapper. Hence you would find MagicYUV in an .avi container because that is how it prefers to be wrapped.
Stringer wrote on 10/8/2014, 11:11 AM
Thanks for the quick reply..

It is more obvious and easier than I thought.. I was under the misguided impression that the Vegas render options would not list third party codecs..

I should be able to proceed from here..
musicvid10 wrote on 10/8/2014, 1:48 PM
The compressed intermediates mentioned most often on this forum are Cineform, DNxHD, and XDCAM.
Other good ones are Sony YUV and UT.