Reproduce this V11 bug?

Arthur.S wrote on 12/20/2011, 3:45 PM
Can anybody reproduce this bug?

2 camera multicam edit, using audio from cam 1. After the edit, ungroup, then try to extend the audio on a clip from cam 2. I get a crash every time. If I right click/open in trimmer, on the clip, then use that audio (which is identical). No crash. Never had problems with this with V8 or 9.


Arthur.S wrote on 12/21/2011, 5:53 AM
WillemT wrote on 12/21/2011, 8:02 AM
Arthur. I tried to duplicate your problem. In the process I learned quite a bit about how to handle audio with multiple tracks. I usually do not include audio when creating the Multicamera Track, so I learned something trying all the various options.

I could not quite follow what you did from your initial post, so I tried all combination I could think off

However, though it may not be very helpful, I could not get VP11-511 to crash once trying to move, or size, audio from any track in any combination. At least that tells you it could work.

Arthur.S wrote on 12/21/2011, 8:25 AM
To explain a bit better (I hope) Sometimes in a multicam edit there's a gap with no Camera 1 (say a pause). Vegas then uses camera 2 by default together with the audio from C2. I like to extend the C2 audio each side of the C1 'gap' by say 3secs, then fade in/out the audio so that the difference in the 2 audio tracks isn't so obvious. As I say, been doing this since Multicam was first introduced with no problems..til now. :-(

How do you sync up with no audio Willem?
WillemT wrote on 12/21/2011, 9:07 AM
I do have the audio tracks - I just do not include them in the "Create Multicamera Track" group. Usually one of the cameras will have a continues track to which the Video can be synced. If there are gaps then one of the other tracks will hopefully contain the required audio and, as you explain, that can be used. Sometimes the audio is separately recorded and the video synced to that (with the camera audio used to help align/sync - and for ambiance like hand claps etc).

Basically what I am saying is that I cut the multicamera track as a video only but synced to the original audio tracks - not included in the multi track and cut thus along with the video.

My test above was a lot more simple - just a series of multi track cuts using two video tracks with their audio (video clips unrelated in this test case) - so that I could try and cut, size and move the audio afterwards to see if I can get Vegas to crash.


Arthur.S wrote on 12/22/2011, 5:45 AM
How do you sync the audio back up Willem? It's only the C2 audio included with the MC edit that causes the crash if I drag an edge. If I reopen the clip in the trimmer, I can use the audio from that no problem. No logic to it.
jimsch wrote on 12/22/2011, 8:01 AM
"I like to extend the C2 audio each side of the C1 'gap' by say 3secs, then fade in/out the audio so that the difference in the 2 audio tracks isn't so obvious."

I was doing a multi-cam edit in V10 recently and noticed a similar issue with adjusting audio to fill a gap as you describe. Vegas would crash at this point. I believe the problem was because of the audio not being quantized to a frame. When I snapped the audio overlay and lower track to frames, the problem stopped.

Are your audio adjustments snapped to frames?
WillemT wrote on 12/22/2011, 9:21 AM
Our usual multi camera shoots consists of relatively few and lengthy clips – think seminars. These are very simple to line-up the video and audio (no need for plural eyes or something similar). The main audio track comes from a camera connected to the PA system. This camera usually have a second track being fed by our own radio mike taped to the main mike – too much trouble attaching it to the speaker and keep on swapping (the venues sometimes use cordless mikes which invariably have their batteries run down before the end of the day – so this is a backup). The rest are there for whatever they may be useful.

My test included adding the audio tracks in the Mutitrack group. That did produce the usual cutting of the audio as well and I sized and moved those audio events – for both tracks. I do admit it is not an exhaustive test like a real edit, just a quick check. Unless the problem is clear cut – like the keyframe problem in Rosebud’s thread – we have seen it may be very difficult to reproduce consistently.
