
johnmeyer wrote on 9/8/2003, 5:52 PM
I answered this on your duplicate post in the DVD Arcitect forum. You probably should only post in one place or the other or people will get upset.
pb wrote on 9/8/2003, 9:31 PM
What is the coaster ratio with Ritek? I've stuck with Taiyo Yuden for CDR adn Verbatim inkjet printable for DVD but am always looking for ways to trim costs.
Luxo wrote on 9/8/2003, 9:36 PM
What has been your luck with Verbatim inkjet printable? Are you using them for clients, or just yourself?
johnmeyer wrote on 9/8/2003, 11:28 PM
I've tried Ritek G02, G03, and G04; Maxell 2X, Optodisc, and Princo. The only total dog was Princo. Didn't play on some players.

I've never had any problems with any media (DVD-R or DVD-RW) burning on my Pioneer A05, i.e., no coasters. However, some media has been less compatible with various DVD players, both those in computers as well as set top players. The Maxell 2X (36006944) has been by far the best for compatibility. I buy them at Tape Resources. This is also the best place in the world to buy DV tapes (IMHO).

Tape Resources

Ritek is cheaper, and I burn most things for my own consumption on Ritek. For clients, I use the Maxell.
RBartlett wrote on 9/9/2003, 5:49 AM
Verbatim had a plant (Malaysia I think) that made the inkjet printable media. With the Epson ink a friend used, it cause the top surface to bubble. Verbatim replaced the whole lot for him. He is again a confident Verbatim customer.

Like anything - you have to watch what you buy and not give the big companies too much kudos without some guard. You will be judged by similar measures for what you peddle.
pb wrote on 9/9/2003, 5:58 AM
I use the Verbatim 2X printables for runs under 300* and, knock on wood, have burned and delivered several hundred without a single coaster. For personal use I stick with Maxell or Sony branded 2X becasue I can get them for less than 3.00$ Canadian each. Think it is time to look into Ritek though.

I'd love to be able to handle orders of 2000 or more myself but that would entail loading the duplicator's "magazines" five times then paying someone to put the discs through the Print Factory disc printer, 50 at a time. Wouldn't be worth it and would take forever.

* 300 is the replicator's minimum order and includes the glass master and two colour printing on the disc face.


Jay Gladwell wrote on 9/9/2003, 8:56 AM
I've been using Ritek and not had any problems (except the ones that are my fault) after buring 100 DVDs.

Verbatim is simply too expensive. One way I remain competitive is to keep my prices. Finding reasonably price materials that are trustworthy help. Ritek is one example.

How do you tell if they are geniune? Buy from a reputable dealer.
JJKizak wrote on 9/9/2003, 9:25 AM
I use the Verbatim 2x printable for personal use and very happy
with the performance. I tried the 4x but I have some gut suspitions that over a couple month period of aging the 4x stuff picks up glitches but I can't put my finger on it. This is also with the Epson 960 printer.

Jsnkc wrote on 9/9/2003, 9:56 AM
I'd also take a look at the Princo DVD-R's, they make a nice 4X inkjet printable disc for around $1.15 a disc, maybe a little cheaper depending on how many you order. I have burned over 1000 of them so far and have only had a few bad ones, I would bet if I burned them at 2X instead of 4X I wouldn't have had any bad ones.
riredale wrote on 9/9/2003, 3:17 PM
You can tell the manufacturer of a disk by using a software tool to read the embedded data. There are lots of utilities that can do this; here is one link I found just in the past few minutes:

Here's another link:

Also, the Ritek G04s are now available for around $1.50 each. I saw earlier today that you can buy them from for $1.65, including shipping, in packs of 25.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 9/9/2003, 3:44 PM
JJKizak wrote: "I tried the 4x but I have some gut suspitions that over a couple month period of aging the 4x stuff picks up glitches but I can't put my finger on it."

How could this ever occur? What would happen over a few months, or years for that matter, that would cause the data to become corrupted? This would exlcude any damage to the disc!

JJKizak wrote on 9/9/2003, 6:11 PM
I don't know. I only know that the discs played fine when first burned but
a few months later picked up glitches. I could assume about 1000 scenarios of posible problems. There were only two play's on the subject discs, one
at the burning and one a few months later. I do know that if you have a cd-r disc in a cd-drive for a couple of years (I have a lot of drives) they will get a dull paste like coating on the disc that will interfere with operation and the discs have to be cleaned but they do work again OK. I was really surprised to see this deterioration as I was in the plastic business for many years as a maintenance man. Cheap plastics can decay and check. Sunlight destroy's them. But like I say, I don't know, just a feeling.

riredale wrote on 9/9/2003, 11:48 PM
The general talk is that DVDs should be able to last for 100 years if the dye is stable, and the Ritek dye is one of the best. I do know, however, that putting a disk, data side up, in direct sunlight will destroy the dye in a week or two (I've tried it).
Luxo wrote on 9/10/2003, 1:33 AM
Perhaps this would be a good time to mention this article on cdfreaks that was posted on slashdot a few weeks ago. Looks like some CDRs at least have a lifespan of 2 years.