My previous version of Vegas was 15, so I have jumped quite a few iterations after recently moving to Windows 11 on a new computer. One thing that does not seem to work like it used to in version 15 is that I no longer seem to be able to save into a project - for any given video timeline - any effect (including an effect chain or an effect chain saved as an effects package). So say for example I have two video timelines and each employ a certain chain of effects, previously in version 15 all of this would save with the project itself but with version 22 it no longer does.
I should clarify here that the effects will save perfectly well if I have actual video media files added into their respective timelines when I save a project, but what I am wanting to do is save those particular effects to a project even when there is no actual media added to any timeline. The reason for this is that I will be using this project over and over again hundreds of times and in every case the media files will be different. So being able to save an effect chain to a particular timeline - even when it contains no media at the time I save the project - will create less work for me and less annoyance over time.
Is this something that has changed between my old version and version 22 or is there some setting that I am missing which enables this to be saved into a project file, regardless of the existence or otherwise of specific media files in the project at the time I save it?