scene detection not detecting

woodrose wrote on 5/14/2005, 1:57 PM
I am having a new problem getting vidcap to detect the tapes that were just shot last week . I put a tape in that I had captured before and no prolbem with the older tape , detect it fine. I think it must be the cam (jvc dv500) but not sure. My deck is a DSR 11.
I have someone other then my self operating the 500 and maybe something is not set right. I don't know.


rs170a wrote on 5/14/2005, 2:03 PM
The usual culprit when that happens is that either
1) DV scene detect wasn't turned on in VidCap or
2) the clock (not the TC generator on the JVC) on the camcorder wasn't set.

woodrose wrote on 5/14/2005, 2:18 PM
Thanks for the fast reply:
Maybe its my bakup lithium data battery. I remember having the audio meters on in the view finder, and just noticed that the were not on.
So maybe the clock won't work until I change out the bat (don't think I ever have) I wonder if that battery charges when the cam is powered up?
I have scene detect on.

Thanks again!