Script for import media...issue

Sarri wrote on 2/7/2023, 7:49 AM

I have been looking for a script to be able to import some media, which I usually use during my compositions.
I found a script by Edward Troxel that did this, but using already present tracks on the timeline.
I am not very familiar with everything related to scripting, but taking a cue from that and also based on other scripts I had, I modified it to be able to get both the tracks and the media.
The problem I have now, however, is that the imported media has both video and audio ungrouped.
If anyone can give me a tip on how I could fix this, I would appreciate it!
I apologize for my less than perfect English!

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using ScriptPortal.Vegas;

namespace MediaToTimeline
    public class EntryPoint
        public void FromVegas(Vegas myVegas)
                Timecode cursorPosition = myVegas.Transport.CursorPosition;
                //this is just one example of media to import
                string videoPath = "D:\\Youtube\\TV no signal.mp4";
                // Create a video track if it does not exist and add the video event
                int videoTrackIndex = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < myVegas.Project.Tracks.Count; i++)
                    if (myVegas.Project.Tracks[i] is VideoTrack)
                        videoTrackIndex = i;
                if (videoTrackIndex == -1)
                    VideoTrack videoTrack = new VideoTrack();
                    videoTrackIndex = myVegas.Project.Tracks.Count - 1;
                VideoEvent videoEvent = (VideoEvent)AddMedia(myVegas.Project, videoPath, videoTrackIndex, cursorPosition, Timecode.FromSeconds(0.2));

                //Create an audio track if it does not exist and add the audio event
                int audioTrackIndex = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < myVegas.Project.Tracks.Count; i++)
                    if (myVegas.Project.Tracks[i] is AudioTrack)
                        audioTrackIndex = i;
                if (audioTrackIndex == -1)
                    AudioTrack audioTrack = new AudioTrack();
                    audioTrackIndex = myVegas.Project.Tracks.Count - 1;
                AudioEvent audioEvent = (AudioEvent)AddMedia(myVegas.Project, videoPath, audioTrackIndex, cursorPosition, Timecode.FromSeconds(0.2));
            catch (Exception ex)


        TrackEvent AddMedia(Project project, string mediaPath, int trackIndex, Timecode start, Timecode length)
            Media media = Media.CreateInstance(project, mediaPath);
            Track track = project.Tracks[trackIndex];
            if (track.MediaType == MediaType.Video)
    VideoTrack videoTrack = (VideoTrack)track;
    VideoEvent videoEvent = videoTrack.AddVideoEvent(start, length);
    Take take = videoEvent.AddTake(media.GetVideoStreamByIndex(0));
    return videoEvent;
else if (track.MediaType == MediaType.Audio)
    AudioTrack audioTrack = (AudioTrack)track;
    AudioEvent audioEvent = audioTrack.AddAudioEvent(start, length);
    Take take = audioEvent.AddTake(media.GetAudioStreamByIndex(0));
    return audioEvent;
        //should be impossible.
        return null;




jetdv wrote on 2/7/2023, 8:39 AM

You have "videoEvent" and "audioEvent" returned to the main routine. Now at the bottom of the main routine, you need to group those two events together.


TrackEventGroup grp = new TrackEventGroup();


Sarri wrote on 2/7/2023, 8:58 AM

It works perfectly!

@jetdv Thank you very much!