Scripting Regions to Subclips

ChrisD wrote on 8/1/2022, 6:14 PM

I am looking for way to script a region (or the track) out to a subclip. I have been through Edward's similar script and it works great -- if the regions are created on a contiguous video on the timeline.

In my case the timelines are already cut into several sections which is a bit challenging to convert. Ideally I'd like to reorganize and consolidate each (edited) track into a track-centric sub clip.

I know I can re-render each out to intermediate files and re-import, but perhaps there is a better way?


jetdv wrote on 8/1/2022, 7:12 PM

jetdv wrote on 8/1/2022, 7:14 PM

You cannot make a sub-clip if it not a single video clip as a sub-clip is "a part of a video clip".

If your region spans two events, you'd need to turn them into two regions - one for the left event and one for the right event - and have TWO sub-clips there. Or the script would need to be made smart enough to determine that a region spans multiple events and add additional regions as needed to resolve that (which *can* be done).

ChrisD wrote on 8/1/2022, 7:55 PM

Or the script would need to be made smart enough to determine that a region spans multiple events and add additional regions as needed to resolve that (which *can* be done).

Thanks for that. Big fan of your videos BTW.

I have been thrashing around with a script for a bit, I think it is doable, but I've reached stage 5 on my grief scale; probably over-complicating it.

I might just render each track out to something lossless to reduce my timelines, naming, and organization to something more manageable.

My current project is a compilation video from birth to university -- distilled into an hour -- and the multiple tracks to support each year is beginning to tweak my OCD. 😀