Scrolling Title FX

Caruso wrote on 12/3/2001, 7:27 PM
I feel very comfortable now with creating scrolling titles using the pan/crop feature. VV3.0 includes another sort of scrolling title where you apparently enter your text in 'pre-defined' fields.

I've played with this some, but, can't seem to figure out how it would be useful if you have a long list of credits, etc.

I cannot seem to enter text beyond the four or five pre-defined field (lines) provided.

Now, I know SF wouldn't have built it that way, so, I have to be doing something wrong.

Much obliged to anyone who can help.




FadeToBlack wrote on 12/3/2001, 7:32 PM
Caruso wrote on 12/3/2001, 11:16 PM
Where were you able to enter 24 lines of text.
I enter text, hit return, and my cursor jumps to the next lower box.

Soon, I come to the last box, beyond which I cannot navigate.

Also, my text doesn't "scroll" as in automatic return at each line end, so that my text runs off the safe area of the screen.

Perhaps I'm dense, I'll go back and try again.

Caruso wrote on 12/3/2001, 11:29 PM
You were right. When I went back and continued typing, hitting return, typing, return, I was able to enter as many lines of text as I cared to. However, the bottom line or two is always out of sight to me. My scroll bar (on the right of that dialog box) only shows the scroll up arrow. The scroll down arrow which would allow me to navigate to my bottom line of text is hidden beneath the outline of the dialog box. If I click somewhere along the visible portion of the scroll bar, I can attract the scroll button to my pointer, then, pull it down beyond the boundaries of the dialog box to reveal most (but not all) of the bottom most lines of my text.

If I keep adding text and hitting enter, more and more of the 'hidden' lines appear, but I can never see them all once I add more than a half dozen lines.

It's gotta be me, so, please advise.

Also, any way to inusre that text you type will fit into the safe area of the screen using this feature?


FadeToBlack wrote on 12/4/2001, 12:07 AM
Caruso wrote on 12/4/2001, 3:38 PM
Actually, I discovered that the default view of this dialog box on my machine covers the lower half of my scrolling arrow area. Whenever I open that dailog, I'll have to resize the lower border of the window to expose the bottom scroll arrow.

Otherwise, the box works as you stated. I can type unlimited lines of text.

Next challenge is to get them to appear on the timeline. Right now, I'm only getting about 2/3 of the text scrolling by, then, blank (just black). I've tried increasing the page size, but that did not seem to have any effect.

I'll keep playing with it.

Thanks for your reply.
