Session setup question

decrink wrote on 6/5/2003, 2:28 AM
Because of time constraints and traveling musicians, I have a series of songs that require drums to be recorded after most other tracking has been completed. Backwards from what I usually do but here is my question:

Is there a way to set up the same drum tracks in a dozen songs without having to place and name every track ie. snare, kick, leftOH, rightOH, etc. AND route their inputs. I have the sessions coming up soon and I'm trying to figure a way to save hundreds of mouse clicks.

I usually do drums near the beginning of sessions from a saved template...

Any ideas?


PeterVred wrote on 6/5/2003, 3:58 PM
I use a template for all projects, containing all 16 tracks being input:

record your projects using this...then the drums will be there when you need them.
I also keep template of duos and karaoke type sessions.
you can always delete things when opening the new template.
hope this helps you.

SonyJEV wrote on 6/5/2003, 4:24 PM
I don't know for sure, but I'd think you could use an "Insert and Route Drums Tracks" script in Vegas4.

Might want to check with the scripting forum folks...

decrink wrote on 6/6/2003, 12:37 AM
Thanks for trying to be helpful but I already know how to set up a template. If you read my note, I'm trying to add and route drums to songs that are already in progress. Many of them changed production from programmed drums to a live drummer.

I couldn't find anything in scripting??
Geoff_Wood wrote on 6/6/2003, 6:24 AM
Do it once and save it as a template ("16-track band", or something like that). For each new song open it, then immediately Save As "new trackname" each time.

decrink wrote on 6/6/2003, 10:10 AM
Geez Louise!
I know you're trying to be helpful but I ALREADY KNOW HOW TO SET UP A TEMPLATE! That is not what I'm asking here if you'd read the post.

I'm trying to bring a 'template' of drums into a bunch of songs that already have 12-20 tracks. They are not NEW songs.

Now, if anyone knows how that might work?
Any scripts that cover routing and such.

Thanks for trying, perhaps I wasn't clear enough in each response?
ScoriaMM wrote on 6/6/2003, 10:48 AM
The only thing I can think of at the moment, is set up one of your songs with all the drum tracks (names, routing, whatever) Then save it. Leave that open, and open a second instance of Vegas with one of the other songs. Highlight all the drum tracks you set up in the frist, copy, and paste (or drag and drop) into the other project. Wash, rinse and repeat for the other tunes.

decrink wrote on 6/6/2003, 4:13 PM
Wish it were that easy Matt but you can't cut and paste tracks (or drag and drop) from one instance of V4 to another. Only events.

At least that's what I've experienced by trying. If anyone else has figured a way to copy tracks I'd love to hear it.

Any other ideas?
Rednroll wrote on 6/6/2003, 5:15 PM
I'm not quite sure I understand what you're asking for. It seems that you're looking for something similar to being able to merge 2 seperate Vegas projects? Am I correct? I don't think there's a function to do that, but is a good idea for feature suggestions.

I've never done this, so I'm not sure if this will work, but it definately seems like it has a possibility to do what you want. Once again open both Vegas projects. In one project I would have Vegas Generate Midi Time Code. In the other Vegas project, you may be able to then "Trigger from midi Time code". Hit Play in the project that is triggering from midi time code......It should sit there and do nothing until it receives midi timecode. Now when you hit play in the project that's generating midi time code, they should both play together and you have all the track information in both. You'll need to set up the midi ports for the timecode inputs/outputs under the "preferences" menu and probably use something like the virtual midi router to get it to sync to midi on the same PC.

MJhig wrote on 6/6/2003, 5:31 PM
He wants to easily setup a series of drum tracks with all the track's parameters <quote> ("place and name every track i.e.. snare, kick, leftOH, rightOH, etc. AND route their inputs.") to an existing project to which I have no answer other than using the "duplicate track" function for each drum track if they already exist in the project then deleting all the events giving him empty tracks with all the parameters set up but something tells me there are no drum tracks set up in these projects to start with.

ScoriaMM wrote on 6/6/2003, 7:51 PM
Ahh, right. I wasnt at my station at the time. Sorry about the mixup
decrink wrote on 6/7/2003, 5:16 PM
Hey guys:
The folks over in the scripting forum understood the challenge and are helping me set up a script that will do it.
Scripting is cool...and the guys in that forum are very knowledgeable and generous with writing code for these type of intricate program moves.

Thanks to all for trying.