Should Movie Looks Rendering Be REALLY slow? PeterVred wrote on 6/29/2007, 4:09 PM Trying out Movie Looks on an avi file made on my Sony mini-DV. It's taken 11 hours to process 24% of the 50 minute long file clip. Mpeg-2, video only, no audio. Is that about right? thanks P Back to post
Comments newhope wrote on 7/1/2007, 6:27 AM Depends on your system specs, which you haven't included in your profile. If you don't include these it's a bit like asking "how long is a piece of string?" They do take a while to render but if you upgrade to Movie Looks 2.0 they are able to be accellerated by the GPU on your graphics card. New Hope Media Siby wrote on 7/18/2007, 5:29 PM What you trying to? Rendering in 24P? Is that is the case it takes lot of time especially with added effects 1