
The awesome filmer wrote on 5/7/2014, 7:02 PM

Hi Laurence, sorry for the delay, I've been trying out other methods, inspired by your results.

They are amazing, the judder has gone, your method works. So does mine, where I put the frame up to 60p then put the result through Mercilli. Here is the file:

However, as you say, when bringing down to lower frame rates, the judder comes back. I have to say that when I earlier posted that the method worked, I hadn't realised that it didn't work when brought down to a lower frame rate for youtube.

I'd really like to get my work on youtube, so I got working on some different conversion methods.

I began thinking - there must be an equation regarding the frame rates, that would fix or lessen the judder after the material had been recorded. 

So, after the conversion, from 60p to Mercilli, I experimented with different frame rates before a final render to 30p. In the end I settled on 26p, then I re-rendered back to 30p. As a last step, I brought the resolution down from full HD 1080 to Semi HD 720 - this seemed to disguise the judder just that little bit more.

The main problem with the footage now is some jerkiness. However, I believe it could be passable for youtube. Here is the file and the process that led to it:


Original to 60p, to Mercilli, to 26p, to 30p then down scaled to 1280x720

Mercilli settings:
Glide camera selected
Pan shot smoothing - 100%
Avoid border on - 1%

Pretty cool eh?

Thanks you guys, I couldn't have got this far with the footage without you! Laurence, you're going in the credits!

The only issue now is the jerkiness – what could improve this?

Here is the 30p file, before downscaling to Semi HD 720

Oh, sorry again for the lateness of my reply, it's just that this whole thing has been a massive task, with much more to do then what I thought before.
Red Prince wrote on 5/7/2014, 8:07 PM
So what happens to the other half the frame is not exposed?

Your brain fills it in. It is the nature of human vision that most of what we see comes from our brains, not from our eyes.

The 50% thing works. And it does not matter whether it is a 1/48th shutter at 24 fps or a 1/60 shutter at 30 fps. Because both of them give you the same 50% in one second (remember, you see more frames in the same time at 30 fps than you do at 24 fps), and your brain is well equipped to deal with it.

He who knows does not speak; he who speaks does not know.
                    — Lao Tze in Tao Te Ching

Can you imagine the silence if everyone only said what he knows?
                    — Karel Čapek (The guy who gave us the word “robot” in R.U.R.)

The awesome filmer wrote on 5/18/2014, 4:16 PM
Just wondered if anyone had any idea as to how I can get the video from my last post less jerky?

An apology to Laurence especially, I know I haven't replied efficiently in the past, but that will change.

Thanks for any posts!