Simple questions from a newbie

OldTimer wrote on 2/14/2003, 2:39 AM
I'm new to VV3 & I feel that there must be an easier way to do some of the simple things. Suppose that you have made 2 cuts on the timeline & you wish to crop the picture a little by zooming in on the frame by using the pan/crop tools. Is there an easy way to just click on the clip/event as a way of selecting the entire clip in question rather than having to use the looping tool which I often find difficult to adjust too frame accuracy? Once the whole of the correct selection is in the pan/crop tool window what is the easiest way to ensure that once you have correctly set the zoom at the first frame to have the exact settings on the last frame as well?

When you find that sound in an event needs adjusting it seems that if I use the volume slider on the left that I end up effecting the entire project when all I wish to do is adjust the one event. It seems to be a case of overkill to have to open the sound editor & make the adjustment there. Is the only other option to create another sound track & just drag the track for the clip in question onto it & make you adjustment when the earlier & latter events aren't touching the event your adjusting?

When you have made several cuts on the timeline & you have several caps which you want to eliminate is turning off auto crossfades the only way to ensure that the 2 clips are joined together & aren't overlapping?


AlexB wrote on 2/14/2003, 3:20 AM
Did you ever bother to look at the manual? It's all in there.

If you double-click on an event, you set the loop region to the length of that event. You could also use right-click context menue to set the loop to the length of the clip.
If you want to keep settings in a keyframe animated thing, just make sure you just adjust the values for the keyframe at the beginning, don't add another keyframe. But if you do, it gets the settings from the first one, until you alter them.

What you need to look into for adjusting sound variable over the length of a clip/track is audio envelopes (volume). You add one to your audio track, add keyframes by double clicking on that blue line and pull it up or down to increase/decrease level.

If you enable snapping, the clips in your last question should snap to their respective ends.

Hope I made myself clear although I'm not very comfortable in giving advice in English.
;-) A.

PDB wrote on 2/14/2003, 3:42 AM
Just to add to AlexB's comments, you are able to copy a keyframe and paste it anywhaere on the keyframe timeline of the event with the exact settings: right click on the keyframe you want to copy, choose"copy", move to new place on keframe timeline, right click and "paste". This is very useful if you have a number of keyframes with alternating settings for example.

I'm not sure if this is what you are asking, but if you click on the pan/crop icon at the far right of an event on the timeline, the p/c window will open and the keyframe timeline is the exact length of that event: you don't need to loop it. the easy wasy to use this on a long clip where you only want to apply fx or p/c to a specific time is to split the long clip using the "s" key to isolate the area you want fx or p/c.

If this doesn't help to solve your queries, please ask further!


Tyler.Durden wrote on 2/14/2003, 6:30 AM
>>>Suppose that you have made 2 cuts on the timeline & you wish to crop the picture a little by zooming in on the frame by using the pan/crop tools. Is there an easy way to just click on the clip/event as a way of selecting the entire clip in question rather than having to use the looping tool which I often find difficult to adjust too frame accuracy? <<<<

Do you want to crop one event or more than one?

>>>Once the whole of the correct selection is in the pan/crop tool window what is the easiest way to ensure that once you have correctly set the zoom at the first frame to have the exact settings on the last frame as well?<<<

The first KF will define the pan/crop unless you add another.

>>>>>When you find that sound in an event needs adjusting it seems that if I use the volume slider on the left that I end up effecting the entire project when all I wish to do is adjust the one event. It seems to be a case of overkill to have to open the sound editor & make the adjustment there. Is the only other option to create another sound track & just drag the track for the clip in question onto it & make you adjustment when the earlier & latter events aren't touching the event your adjusting?<<<<

You might try dragging the event gain down from the top of the event.

>>>>>>When you have made several cuts on the timeline & you have several caps which you want to eliminate is turning off auto crossfades the only way to ensure that the 2 clips are joined together & aren't overlapping?<<<<<<

You might try to enable "snapping".

Many of these methods are covered in the Vegas 2.0 tutorials on the SoFo site:

They are for an earlier version of Vegas, but are still are informative and enjoyable.



mikkie wrote on 2/14/2003, 8:19 AM
Another possibility re: adjusting the volume of a clip's audio -> drag that audio clip to another audio track so that the track controls pertain only to this clip (plus any others on that track if you have more then one with the same settings).