Single Frame Credit

Sullivan wrote on 7/17/2005, 8:44 PM
I have just agreed to give the author of a story "single frame credit" in a movie I am basing on his story. I just need help with one thing:

What's a single frame credit? I guess I assume that this means nothing on the frame but his name (and not that his name only shows for 1/24 second). But is there any more formal definition than that? Like can I have some background image or is it just a black field? How long should it last? 3 sec? 5 sec?


Grazie wrote on 7/18/2005, 12:11 AM
. . ask him? ;-)

fwtep wrote on 7/18/2005, 12:54 AM
It doesn't have to be on black, and it can last as long or short as you want it, though it should be up about as long as the others. Take a look at any movie ind your collection to see. In a scrolling list it has to have enough empty space before and after it to ensure that at least for a second or two it'll be the only credit up there.

Also, make sure you're on the same page with the writer as to whether you're talking about titles or credits. Titles (or "front titles") are at the beginning of a movie and credits (or "roll" or "scroll") are at the end. Also make sure you clear it with him how you want to credit him, for example, "Story By" or "Based On A Story By" or 'From A Story By" or "Not Unlike A Story I Once Read By" or "This Bastard Made Me Put His Name Here," etc.

By the way, it's "single card" not "single frame."
Sullivan wrote on 7/18/2005, 7:45 AM
Grazie is right. I should have simply asked him. But I was afraid to appear non-professional. (So why am I not afraid to look silly to you guys?)

And I did have the "from a story by.." part very specific. With fwtep's input, I'll render something and email it to him for approval.

"Single Card" makes a lot more sense. Thanks!

"Not Unlike A Story I Once Read By" - Surely that was from "War of the Worlds" I must have missed it ;-)
Grazie wrote on 7/18/2005, 12:42 PM
"But I was afraid to appear non-professional. (So why am I not afraid to look silly to you guys?)"

. . and your answer to that is? Don't forget "others" read this forum .. maybe EVEN your client!?!?! - I'm joking here . . yeah?

Here's the thing - and more important for me and feedback to you: How come you "agreed" to do something that you didn't understand?

Reply if you wish,

Best regards,


Sullivan wrote on 7/18/2005, 4:01 PM
Yeah, I briefly wondered if he would ever see this. Too late!

I agreed to it before I understood that I didn't understand it. When we signed the original contract, I told him he could specify how he would be credited. After reviewing an approval cut, he said he wanted the "single frame credit'.
Avanti wrote on 7/18/2005, 5:43 PM
So give him what he asked for a 1/25th subliminal message. :)
kentwolf wrote on 7/18/2005, 7:26 PM
>>(So why am I not afraid to look silly to you guys?)

Because we're family! :)

(Until the flame wars start...) :)
t-keats wrote on 7/25/2005, 4:04 PM
You're basing a video on someone else's story and all they ask for is a screen credit? Why the reluctance? You owe that writer big time.

Put the author's name up prominently and thank him profusely.

The credit should be on the screen (with no other names) long enough to be read aloud - preferably in the opening credits where the most important "billing" is always displayed. Few regular viewers pay any attention to closing credits.

By the way, usually, the only really stupid question is the one not asked.
ArthurDent wrote on 7/25/2005, 8:01 PM
a google search for "Single card credit" found this:

You should try to get a single card credit for your work. That is, when your credit is on the screen, there is a moment when that is the sole credit being shown. The most important credits are front end credits. The rest are shown at the end (“back end”) of the film. Screen credit is considered real currency in Hollywood and should not be taken lightly-it could effect how much you are paid on your next job.