
Marc S wrote on 3/11/2012, 3:05 PM
Fair question...

MB Looks now has external monitor support through my Black Magic Intensity card (though it does not really work right because it boosts the black levels - Red Giant has acknowledged the bug) This external preview solves the problem of having to go in and out of the interface to check corrections - provided it actually works.

So I guess my question should be does Red have external monitor support via Black Magic Intensity? The other problem for me is the price. MB Looks was a $99 upgrade for me. Red is $695. I already have AE so Red would be beyond my budget and my needs.
JohnnyRoy wrote on 3/12/2012, 8:48 AM
> "So I guess my question should be does Red have external monitor support via Black Magic Intensity?"

No, but the questions is: Why would it? MB is doing color grading. That's definitely something you want to check on an external monitor. RED is doing special FX ala AE. Not sure if you need external monitor support while creating the FX. Might be a nice to have. You can always check in in Vegas against the external monitor.

> "I already have AE so Red would be beyond my budget and my needs."

Yea, if you have AE it's hard to justify but you do get the convenience of staying right in Vegas to do all of your work, and RED can run AE plug-ins. AE also doesn't do 3D extruded titles so depending on what you need AE for, RED might still offer some added value. I have both and I find that I don't use AE much anymore now that I have RED right in Vegas.

Marc S wrote on 3/12/2012, 2:29 PM
>No, but the questions is: Why would it? MB is doing color grading. That's definitely something you want to check on an external monitor. RED is doing special FX ala AE. Not sure if you need external monitor support while creating the FX. Might be a nice to have. You can always check in in Vegas against the external monitor.

My original question was "will BCC 8 support the 3 way color corrector in Vegas" which brought us to Red, external monitor etc. I'm sure Red is great but I'm looking for a more advanced color solution than the built in Vegas color tools. And one that will give me instant external monitor feedback to my corrections. My ideal would be Colorista but Red Giant has no current plans to bring it to Vegas.

Perhaps Sony will fix the effects API so Boris can implement Boris 3 way color corrector in Vegas. If they sold it as a unit I think a lot of people would buy it. As long as I can remember developers have been complaining that Vegas effects interface is severely limited. I thought the issue was finally solved with the move to Open FX but I guess not.
robwood wrote on 3/12/2012, 4:06 PM
"I'm looking for a more advanced color solution than the built in Vegas color tools. " -Marc S

go download DaVinci Resolve Lite... magic bullet and the rest have nothing on Resolve; more significantly, it's FREE... the app is on the Blackmagic Design site; there's a bunch of tutorials available (some free, some $$$); been around since mid 90's, finally ported to PC few months ago.
Marc S wrote on 3/12/2012, 5:33 PM
Thanks Rob, but I'm really looking for tools to use inside of Vegas that work like a native plugin.
robwood wrote on 3/13/2012, 4:02 PM
"...I'm really looking for tools to use inside of Vegas that work like a native plugin. " - Marc

lol, good luck.
Marc S wrote on 3/13/2012, 4:39 PM
A guy can dream can he not :)

It's one of the reasons I keep looking back at Premiere. There are many things about Vegas I prefer but Premiere has nicer native color tools as well as full plug in support for Colorista, Boris and opening clips as compositions in After Effects.