SmartSound & Vegas Answer!!!!!

beatnik wrote on 6/10/2003, 4:05 PM

I decided to create a new post for the question mentioned in another thread.

The way I use SmartSound Sonicfire Pro and Vegas is this, When I am finished editing
the video in Vegas I would render using Satish's Frameserver, (do a search on "frameserver" in this forum for information and downloading). Once frameserver
is done "rendering" the edited video, takes about 3-5 minutes for a 1 hour video, just
open Sonicfire Pro and go to FILE/Choose movie and select the video that is being
"served" by Frameserver. You will notice the movie in the timeline and in the movie window. The video quality will be just a little distorted as well as the sound. I mentioned it to the developer, Satish. However, you just need the video for a reference point for
your music scoring. NOW, score the video with your music and just save and export the
audio only! Don't bother with the video. Close Sonicfire Pro, go back into Vegas, STOP frameserving and import the audio into the timeline of the video and it will match and sinc with the video. NOW render the video like you would normally do and burn to DVD!

It's that simple!




bjtap wrote on 6/10/2003, 7:46 PM
The people at Smartsound had expressed an interest in porting to Vegas. I emailed SoFo and told them where this interest was stated (another board) but as I never heard from SoFo I am guessing (perhaps incorrectly) they were not interested. Say it ain't so SoFo.
BD wrote on 6/12/2003, 9:34 AM
I also hope it ain't so. SmartSound is a dream to use when integrated into an NLE program, since you can immediately change both the music and the video while previewing your work.

I upgraded to SonicFire Pro for $99. from the QuickTracks-like program that was included in the old Pinnacle Studio 400 "hybrid" video editor. SonicFire does have additional features which are especially useful if you have a large library of SmartSound CDs -- but I'd rather have immediate, intuitive interactivity.

Brandon's Dad
DDogg wrote on 6/12/2003, 9:54 AM
OT: I wonder if SoFo has a formal "Liaison" to facilitate information exchange with third parties and to encourage the development of integrated plugins/features from those third parties?