What's everyone out there using to make Vegas Generate
Midi Time Code so you can sync an external sequencer to
Timecode or make Vegas chase to a video deck? I've
currently been using MOTU midi interfaces, but now I want to
upgrade to Win2k Pro, but can't because MOTU won't make
drivers for Win2k, is there other options? Motu reminds me
of another company that dragged it's feet on Windows
support, I believe that company went by the name of Opcode
and we all seen what happened to them. MOTU hasn't made any
updated drivers for their midi interfaces on the PC side
since 1998 and are bragging about it. Maybe a little help
from everyone in this forum Emailing them, will get them off
their asses and support PC users.
Contact them at:
Midi Time Code so you can sync an external sequencer to
Timecode or make Vegas chase to a video deck? I've
currently been using MOTU midi interfaces, but now I want to
upgrade to Win2k Pro, but can't because MOTU won't make
drivers for Win2k, is there other options? Motu reminds me
of another company that dragged it's feet on Windows
support, I believe that company went by the name of Opcode
and we all seen what happened to them. MOTU hasn't made any
updated drivers for their midi interfaces on the PC side
since 1998 and are bragging about it. Maybe a little help
from everyone in this forum Emailing them, will get them off
their asses and support PC users.
Contact them at: