Smpte and Midi for Sync?

Rednroll wrote on 10/3/2000, 6:14 PM
What's everyone out there using to make Vegas Generate
Midi Time Code so you can sync an external sequencer to
Timecode or make Vegas chase to a video deck? I've
currently been using MOTU midi interfaces, but now I want to
upgrade to Win2k Pro, but can't because MOTU won't make
drivers for Win2k, is there other options? Motu reminds me
of another company that dragged it's feet on Windows
support, I believe that company went by the name of Opcode
and we all seen what happened to them. MOTU hasn't made any
updated drivers for their midi interfaces on the PC side
since 1998 and are bragging about it. Maybe a little help
from everyone in this forum Emailing them, will get them off
their asses and support PC users.

Contact them at:


MacMoney wrote on 10/3/2000, 7:28 PM
Hi Brian
I have a full 2 full MOTU-2408 and 3ea Midi Timepiece AV's, For the
Hell of it I email them every other day about win2k drivers, It
really pisses me off that they will sell their mother for MAC and not
do a damn thing for PC

George Ware

Brian Franz wrote:
>> What's everyone out there using to make Vegas Generate
>>Midi Time Code so you can sync an external sequencer to
>>Timecode or make Vegas chase to a video deck? I've
>>currently been using MOTU midi interfaces, but now I want to
>>upgrade to Win2k Pro, but can't because MOTU won't make
>>drivers for Win2k, is there other options? Motu reminds me
>>of another company that dragged it's feet on Windows
>>support, I believe that company went by the name of Opcode
>>and we all seen what happened to them. MOTU hasn't made any
>>updated drivers for their midi interfaces on the PC side
>>since 1998 and are bragging about it. Maybe a little help
>>from everyone in this forum Emailing them, will get them off
>>their asses and support PC users.
>>Contact them at:
gmarrero wrote on 10/3/2000, 8:07 PM
E-mail SF and ask them fot the Virtual Midi Router for Win2k. When
you install it and get it working, let me know because I can't seem
to figure it out.

Brian Franz wrote:
>> What's everyone out there using to make Vegas Generate
>>Midi Time Code so you can sync an external sequencer to
>>Timecode or make Vegas chase to a video deck? I've
>>currently been using MOTU midi interfaces, but now I want to
>>upgrade to Win2k Pro, but can't because MOTU won't make
>>drivers for Win2k, is there other options? Motu reminds me
>>of another company that dragged it's feet on Windows
>>support, I believe that company went by the name of Opcode
>>and we all seen what happened to them. MOTU hasn't made any
>>updated drivers for their midi interfaces on the PC side
>>since 1998 and are bragging about it. Maybe a little help
>>from everyone in this forum Emailing them, will get them off
>>their asses and support PC users.
>>Contact them at:
Rednroll wrote on 10/3/2000, 9:20 PM
Yeah I never got the Virtual midi router to work on Win 98 either,
that's why I have 2 systems now. One for all my Midi work, which I
still use Opcodes Studio Vision, still my favorite Midi sequencer and
the other system is for my audio applications like Vegas and Acid Pro
to lay my midi tracks to. This setup has been working great for me, I
just would like a more stable operating system like win2k.

George wrote:
>>E-mail SF and ask them fot the Virtual Midi Router for Win2k. When
>>you install it and get it working, let me know because I can't seem
>>to figure it out.
>>Brian Franz wrote:
>>>> What's everyone out there using to make Vegas Generate
>>>>Midi Time Code so you can sync an external sequencer to
>>>>Timecode or make Vegas chase to a video deck? I've
>>>>currently been using MOTU midi interfaces, but now I want to
>>>>upgrade to Win2k Pro, but can't because MOTU won't make
>>>>drivers for Win2k, is there other options? Motu reminds me
>>>>of another company that dragged it's feet on Windows
>>>>support, I believe that company went by the name of Opcode
>>>>and we all seen what happened to them. MOTU hasn't made any
>>>>updated drivers for their midi interfaces on the PC side
>>>>since 1998 and are bragging about it. Maybe a little help
>>>>from everyone in this forum Emailing them, will get them off
>>>>their asses and support PC users.
>>>>Contact them at:
Beldar wrote on 10/4/2000, 1:59 PM
It's a strange time. 90% of the world use PCs, and 90% of the
professional musicians use Macs. Some would argue that it's only
because early Mac developers jumped out on the cutting edge when
sequencing and digital audio were in their infancy, leaving the
enduring impression among musicians that they need a Mac.

I've always used PCs, and only recently moved to a Mac after years of
struggle (the Mac is a pain too, just a different pain). I never
believed my friends when they told me the Mac was better suited for
music. I'd compare processors, ram, expandability, available hardware
and software, PRICE, the future prospects for both systems..., and
declare that my friends are "full of shit!".

But they're not. I think it's an OS thing. I'm not a programmer, so
I'm not sure why, but music software developers have always seemed to
struggle with Windows/DOS (SF being one of the exceptions). I'm sure
they pull their hair out over the Mac OS as well, but most of the
cross-platform developers I've talked to, seem to prefer the Mac.

Maybe there's too much freedom and innovation on the PC. If you read
these forums, you will notice that most of the posts relate to
compatibility issues. It seems that almost none of the PC developers
give a flying fuck whether their products are compatible with anyone
else's. Then there's the general design philosophy behind the OS's,
the Mac has been "multimedia-centric" since the beginning, while the
PC has been playing catch-up, tacking on media-friendly modules to a
CPM-like OS. Also, look at the guy who invented/invisioned Windows,
Bill Gates-the burnin' guru of soul (not that the two Steves are rock
gods). Anyway, that's about all the pointless rant I've got in me for
today. I still use my PC for ACID, but that's about it.


Brian Franz wrote:
>>Yeah I never got the Virtual midi router to work on Win 98 either,
>>that's why I have 2 systems now. One for all my Midi work, which I
>>still use Opcodes Studio Vision, still my favorite Midi sequencer
>>the other system is for my audio applications like Vegas and Acid
>>to lay my midi tracks to. This setup has been working great for me,
>>just would like a more stable operating system like win2k.
>>George wrote:
>>>>E-mail SF and ask them fot the Virtual Midi Router for Win2k. When
>>>>you install it and get it working, let me know because I can't
>>>>to fig
karlc wrote on 10/4/2000, 3:22 PM
90% of the professional musicians I've known don't even own a
computer and can barely spell it. :)

It is not, IMO, "an OS thing" at all, but instead, boils down at the
lowest level to a HARDWARE issue.

The MAC OS has always been tightly integrated with a very specific,
and heavily controlled, hardware and driver environment.

DOS/Windows does not have that luxury and has had to wobble, bobble,
turnover and stop on a myriad of hardware components and countless
devices of varying quality and price ... with drivers written
exlusively by the manufacturer of the device, for better or worse.
But, as you correctly state, that is one of the big factors that has
made it affordable.

WinNT/2000 is slowly upping the bar in stability in my experience ...
and we pay for it in a smaller pallette of devices and drivers that
will work, which translates into a higher price at the pump.

However, what you lose on the bannas, you make on the grapes. Both
systems have their good and bad points. You can't go wrong with that
old main frame adage from 30 years ago ... "first buy the software
that does the job you need done, then buy the OS and hardware to run

Our expectations with a PC DAW were not as high as someone who needs
a recording studio in a box. We had a very narrow and specific
need ... multitrack editing software to basically take the place of
the old razor blade. We found that in Vegas ... and have been very
happy with the extra features we gained to boot. :)

KAC ...

Beldar wrote:

>> I think it's an OS thing.
Beldar wrote on 10/4/2000, 8:41 PM
You're probably right, but all I know is, I've been happier and
more productive since switching platforms. Now excuse me
while I trash a preference file and rebuild my desktop ; )
PipelineAudio wrote on 10/5/2000, 2:06 PM

Brian Franz wrote:
>> What's everyone out there using to make Vegas Generate
>>Midi Time Code so you can sync an external sequencer to
>>Timecode or make Vegas chase to a video deck

Sync is a BIG issue for me, and I am an anal nutball on the
subject....go back to even the very first posts in this forum :)
Complain complain complain......but :

I have has VERY good luck with a Midiman Midisport USB 2x2
win98 win2k whatever, works great and you DONT think about it...its
just there and it works as it should