Softening the edges of a frame in Event Pan/Crop

David_AJ wrote on 5/25/2003, 9:02 AM
Vegas friends,

I'm using V4, and am wondering how to accomplish something: In Event Pan/Crop, you can apply a Glow, which extends from the edge of the frame outward. This works well, giving the effect of a shadow underneath the frame, but still leaves the frame with a hard edge. How can I soften the edge of the frame itself?

David Johnson


mikkie wrote on 5/25/2003, 11:21 AM
Don't know if this will help or not, but you can use a gradient mask in a higher level track.
Udi wrote on 5/25/2003, 11:31 AM
What about the border fx?
philfort wrote on 5/25/2003, 11:47 AM
Or you can use the Cookie Cutter Fx to feather the edges...
David_AJ wrote on 5/25/2003, 3:40 PM
Border Fx is right on target! However, I'm puzzled... The image I'm applying the Border fx to has been shrunk to be only a portion of the output screen. I would have expected the Border fx to be applied to the shrunk image. Instead, it applies to the edges of the entire output screen. What am I doing wrong?
FadeToBlack wrote on 5/25/2003, 4:19 PM
David_AJ wrote on 5/26/2003, 7:02 AM
OK, I got the final piece of the puzzle: I *can* use the stock FX after an event pan/crop. All you do is change the "Pre/Post Toggle" for that FX. This is done by clicking the triangle beside the keyframe line for that FX.

Thanks to all for their contributions,