I've got a roundabout way to do this, but thinking through this it would be neat to have a Script that would do this. I want the RTNT Selection to be added to the Event, that I select as Focus, as a Take.
I've got a couple of nice RenderEventAddAsTake scripts that I can share with you. I have one that will go through a template selection dialog or another that you have to define the template for each frame size/frame rate combination inside the script itself using notepad. It takes longer to set up, but is much quicker to execute without the need to go through template selection dialog each time. Let me know your preference, or you can try them both. I'm away from my editing machine, but I'll see which ones I have with me on my laptop.
BTW, there are options to render to a new track, add as a take to the selected event, or both.
Turns out I had uploaded the script earlier this year. Be warned--it is not "Grazie-proof" as it does require changes to the script itself using a text editor such as Notepad, or even something better like EdtPad Lite which enables line numbers to be displayed. Its a pretty long script, so it's much easier to find exactly where changes need to be made. Read the instructions carefully. The main thing is that you need to supply the script with your own render template names for the frame size/frame combinations of interest to you. If you load it and run without any changes, you will probably get an error that the template could not be found. You can send me a PM and I can help. Good luck.
I did warn you!!! LOL. Yeah, it can be a challenge until you get the hang of it. The alternative is to do the template selection each time, which from a user standpoint, is just terrible as far as I'm concerned. To drill down each time to find your template is just plain annoying and time-consuming.
I think I've come up with a way, however, to do a hybrid approach in which the script would "remember" the last used template and go through the template selection dialog ONLY if you wanted to change render templates, much the same way you can change graphic editors in my Open Stills in Graphic Editor script. Thought about it during the night and I think I could accomplish that without too much effort once I return from Seattle. Let me know if you're interested. I could also use that code for other scripts that I now use.
Not wanting you to go down Paths unnecessarily, can't there be a script that Cuts the Render to New Track and plops it into the Event as a ne Take? Presently I have a Button on my Contour Shuttle Pro that:
1 - Fires up Rto New Track
2 - Presents the List of Templates as per Vegas R to NT
Just realized that the script you downloaded has no PAL frame rates. I can easily add ones for 25P and 50P at 720 and 1080. I'll send you a new download link. You can delete the ones you downloaded.
Once you get the script to work, it will do exactly what you want. To me, use of Render to New Track is a PIA because of the template selection dialog and the fact that it creates a new track every time you use it that has to be deleted.
For testing, give me the Template Name you want to use for a specific frame size/frame rate and I'll put in the proper place before uploading the revised script. That would at least enable you to try it immediately after download.