Solved - Out of Memory and Rendering issues

mgg wrote on 1/23/2015, 8:59 PM
For the past number of years I've had issues with DVD Architect (and Pro) 5.0 (6.0) when make large BluRay compilations that consume a near full 25GB. I kept having DVD Architect crash and rendering fail as I kept adding avc file near "full". Menus wouldn't render and the program often froze or crashed.

I found a solution for people who run 64-bit OSs and it works great!

I know this sounds suspicious but it works... I patched my dvdarchst50.exe files with this little utility that allows 32-bit programs to access a full 4GB of ram instead of 2GB:

From the author's page:
"originally wrote this tool for a friend of mine who needed it. This very little tool patches x86 executables in order to let them have 4GB (instead of only 2) of virtual memory on x64 platforms. This tool comes very handy for applications which need a great amount of virtual memory like games, 3D renderization, multimedia etc. To gain these 2GB, you just have to use this tool to patch the executable (*.exe file) of the software you want to have these additional GBs of virtual memory. It can be used by clicking on it and choosing the file or through command line (e.g.: "4gb_patch file.exe"). It automatically creates a backup copy of the original executable.

Why things are this way on x64 is easy to explain. On x86 applications have 2GB of virtual memory out of 4GB (the other 2GB are reserved for the system). On x64 these two other GB can now be accessed by 32bit applications. In order to achieve this, a flag has to be set in the file's internal format. This is, of course, very easy for insiders who do it every day with the CFF Explorer. This tool was written because not everybody is an insider, and most probably a lot of people don't even know that this can be achieved. Even I wouldn't have written this tool if someone didn't explicitly ask me to. "

Happy BluRay Building!


MattFelder wrote on 1/10/2016, 12:36 PM
OMG! I can't believe this worked! Thanks soooo much!
I was having the same frustrating problems. After adding ~26 small videos to the BluRay it wouldn't let me add any more without running out of memory even though I hadn't even filled 25% of the BluRay space. After the simple patch I was able to add all 55 videos to the BluRay without a problem.
I don't understand why Sony wouldn't provide this simple fix themselves or make this easier to find. Surely lots of people are running into this.

FixitMad0 wrote on 3/9/2016, 3:14 PM

Thank You for posting this great little tool. I am also on Windows 7 x64 but have yet to burn anything on Blu-Ray but I will be keeping this utility handy.

Thanks for sharing this tool and for telling us it really works.

Cielspacing wrote on 4/17/2016, 8:34 AM
Oh oh Oh!!!
Just an amazing handout!

And this solves so many problems at different platforms.
I am VERY grateful indeed. mgg

///Sometimes the simplest are best solutions.
T-Halen wrote on 5/12/2016, 9:55 PM
Ran into this issue today with about 10 AVC files in a BluRay project, and a bunch more yet to add. It looks to have worked, so MANY thanks for this heads up!!
DiDequ wrote on 5/13/2016, 11:32 AM
Yes, it works, and this problem was already mentioned here and on some other messages.
T-Halen wrote on 5/16/2016, 3:31 PM
Well, as a follow up, I have to say that the patch got me past one limit, only to run into another as I reached 30 video files in one project.

Turns out that, after further research, rendering the video using Sony's AVC codec was causing most of the problem. After re-rendering using MainConcept MPEG2, DVDA was much happier crossing the 30+ videos barrier on my machine.