Sonic DVD Producer

tadpole wrote on 10/28/2002, 4:40 PM
Anyone have experience working with Sonic DVD Producer?

I'm thinking its going to cost some serious coin so would like to know if its worth it before i buy (as far as i can tell, sonic hasn't released any type of demo version)

My requirements
-I want my menus to look professional! no cheesy templates! Want to be able to use
custom graphics/video & link them however i want

-Splash screen (video which shows auto when you put the disc in the player)

-Be able to set chapter points wherever you want

- and of course!! system requirements!!
Maybe its just me, but i can find NADA on their website about system requirements
(i learned the hard way Sonic ReelDVD requires Win 2000 or XP pro)

I have win98 - HP 200i +RW/+R

oh ya - and the price??!!.... seems you have to go through a reseller to purchase & nobody lists the friggin price

comments appreciated


asafb wrote on 10/28/2002, 7:16 PM
No! No! No! It is a horrible product! I tested the demo version of DVD Producer for Windows it's absolutely terrible, like DVDit.
If I were you and you are VERY serious about DVD-authoring, I would invest $2,000 in a PowerMAC and Sonic DVD Fusion LE 2.1.7 for Mac.
You can do everything you mentioned above with this. The software is $800, the Mac is well $1200.

bcbarnes wrote on 10/28/2002, 7:38 PM
You don't mention anything about audio capabilities. If you don't mind MPEG2 or PCM audio, then there are some decent cheap authoring apps that will work. I've been using DVD Complete, which has chapter points and motion menus and backgrounds. It uses templates for the menus, but the template scripts are all editable files, so if you don't mind doing a little script programming, you can alter the menus any way you want. They have a downloadable demo version over at the DAZZLE web site, and retail is only $99.
kkolbo wrote on 10/28/2002, 8:51 PM
ULEAD's DVD workshop is also able to do what you listed in the original post. For what is requested you do not need a high dollar application.

seeker wrote on 10/28/2002, 11:49 PM

Seconding Kkolbo's suggestion. And Ulead has a free demo version of DVD Workshop that you can download. Also some docs, tutorials, etc.
nolonemo wrote on 10/29/2002, 12:38 PM
Thirding K's suggestion. The newest version (1.3) of DVD WS will take elementary streams, but audio streams are limited to PCM or mpeg. The program will author without re-encoding your video as long as it's compliant. You can use it to author disks with AC3 sound, but you have to mux audio and video before bringing it into the app. Doesn't support multiple audio tracks, separate subtitle tracks, etc. Also, if you want to set chapter points, note the times in Vegas, because it's a real pain to locate them by hand in DVD WS (but easy if you type in the time). You can use menu templates or create your own from scratch, import Photoshop-made buttons, etc etc.

JohnI wrote on 10/29/2002, 12:55 PM
One more to recommend U-Lead DVD Workshop. You can use you own artwork or templates. Only restriction is need to pre-encode 16:9 material and some editing of the menu information if you want 16:9 menus. For 4:3 I can't fault it at the price and 16:9 is better than most of the competition. Oh yes and support for +R/+RW which you acn't take for granted with some packages. I would be nervous about using Win 98 though, for long burns stability and reliability is a must.
tadpole wrote on 10/29/2002, 2:22 PM
Great advice - thanks!

I wasn't impressed by the first demo version of DVD WS i download (few months ago)
Just download the current demo and LIKE IT.
thanks again.

CasaLoma wrote on 10/29/2002, 4:55 PM
I have used a "demo" copy of Sonic Fusion for the PC (Sonic does not make it for the PC any more..Mac only) It is nice. Easier interface then ReelDVD, but requires 2000 or NT. Its the only program I know that will let you do full motion menus, handle multiple Dolby Digital Audio streams, Mutilple Angles, and Multiple Aspect Ratios (16x9, 4x3) all in the same project. Theres also something to how the application writes DVD info to the files. I've found compatability is higher then DVDit products. It also can create DVDs with a Free version of WinDVD packaged on the disk, for installation by the user.

Personally I use ReelDVD more often ,I use DVD Fusion if I have Multiple Aspects, and Ulead DVD Factory if I need a quick DVD.
MoBetta wrote on 10/29/2002, 5:54 PM
Has anyone used Roxio VideoWave 5.0 (DVD authoring / burning component)? I took a quick peak at it and it seems to offer more flexibility regarding templates: menus, thumnails, etc. Appears to be pretty good for entry level DVD production.
