Sony Color Correction (Secondary) gone from V9? Jim H wrote on 7/12/2010, 5:34 PM I was trying to guide a friend to the secondary color corrector in Vegas. I'm in V8 he's in V9 and tells me it's not there. Did they rename that FX? Back to post
Comments kkolbo wrote on 7/12/2010, 5:41 PM No, still there. I have never heard of that not showing up as a problem. hmmm musicvid10 wrote on 7/12/2010, 5:49 PM No, still there. Glad to hear that. I use that a lot, more as a production tool (minor color matching tasks) than as an effect (color replacement). Jim H wrote on 7/12/2010, 6:16 PM Thanks. I wouldn't have thought it would be deleted... maybe renamed, but not deleted. RodC wrote on 7/12/2010, 7:14 PM Does he by chance have VMS? It is not included in VMS 9. kkolbo wrote on 7/12/2010, 7:16 PM That sounds like the probable answer. A. Grandt wrote on 7/12/2010, 11:09 PM RodC: But it seems that VMS 10 does. 1