Sony Setup Folder Vegas Pro 10 missing

mcvap wrote on 8/18/2011, 3:16 AM
I notice that the Sony Setup Folder for Vegas Pro 10 is missing, after rendering errors , I have version pro 8 and it's Sony Setup Folder existent - no rendering errors there.

Located in VP 8 at c:\Program Files\Sony Setup\Vegas Pro 8.0

What could be the problem for VP 10 not installing it's Sony Setup folder , and how can I install it ?

TIA for any help.


Chienworks wrote on 8/18/2011, 5:24 AM
The setup folder is only used during installation. After the software is installed there is no use for it anymore and it can be deleted with no effect whatsoever. So perhaps in version 10 Sony finally got around to having the installation procedure delete the folder when it was done instead of leaving it there cluttering up the disk.

The lack of the setup folder is not part of your problem.

For me, Vegas 10 crashes every few minutes on all three computers i've tried it on. It's not stable enough to use so i'm still working with version 9.
mcvap wrote on 8/18/2011, 1:10 PM
Thanks for your reply, but the rendering errors, it kind of operating problem of some codecs in the*. AVI container , they are listed there, but VP9 or VP10 seems can not operate them, when I try to render as, I got this message " Vegas Pro has stopped working" , both in VP9 and VP10.
In VP8 different codecs of *.AVI container operate just well.

What went wrong ?