Sony Vegas 6 First Look - DMN By Charlie White


busterkeaton wrote on 4/15/2005, 8:41 PM
I suspect the audio guys will find uses for nested projects too.
ezway wrote on 4/15/2005, 9:30 PM
OK audio Tape scrubbing will help, and HD support included is great but I question what else is new?

VST Plug in Support?
5.1 Surround Sound ?
A New media manager for tagging files?
Real time preview?
Acid loops?
2d and 3d effects?
Please explain because I don't get the big wooof?

Best Wishes,

Rednroll wrote on 4/15/2005, 9:46 PM
"Well, Vegas may have been an audio app in the beggining but this has changed and we all have to live with that... If you're not happy I guess you can take a look at Nuendo or protools.."

Well, sorry Nat, but I find that as a pretty selfish and ignorant statement on your part. I've grown accustomed to the fact that Vegas is a Video app. You have to realize us users that have been using Vegas since v1.0 strictly for audio have more at stake than just jumping ship. We've spent lots of time growing accustomed to the Vegas workflow. How do you think, I'm able to give answers to most audio questions regarding Vegas? TIME Nat...a lot of TIME using it for audio work!!!! I can use most any other audio app out there, the problems I run into, is that I will need to again spend a lot of TIME figuring out the workflow and how to do things in Nuendo and Protools. Have you priced Nuendo or Protools? Let's start with Nuendo at $ want to add the Dolby Digital AC3 surround encoder like Vegas, let's add another $1350. So you're telling us to go out and spend $4000? How about an entry price of $8000 for a Protools HD system? Can I use your credit card?....No cross upgrade pricing for us as Vegas users. Let's also throw out the fact that a lot of us have purchased Vegas plus 4 version upgrades in that time. So we should just throw our time and money invested out the window and jump ship?

So you don't think us audio users don't have a reason to be upset? Try wearing our shoes. "Oh what do you know Vegas isn't a Video editor anymore Nat, go buy an Avid now". That will be no problem for you right Nat? At least that's what you're telling us.

It looks like Sony dropped the ball on it's audio users for Vegas 6. They needed one feature to make a lot of audio users at least content, and that would be REWIRE capability. That's because the majority of audio users are looking for a combination of features that would include Acid and Vegas. You know why Vegas isn't getting rewire capabilities? Because it would require more tempo mapping capabilities in Vegas, and that would break the video side features. So here's the Acid users wanting more multitrack recording/editing/hardware controler features like Vegas, and here's the Vegas audio users wanting more Acid feature capabilities. We ask for these Vegas features in Acid and we get told Vegas is our multitrack program. We ask for more tempo mapping and loop sequencing in Vegas and we get told Acid is our loop sequencer. The best way to link these 2 programs together is through REWIRE capabilities.....but no REWIRE in Vegas 6?

Nat you obviously have very little history with Vegas and what the dedicated audio users have been going through and have been told throughout the years of using it. Your comments are way out of line.
busterkeaton wrote on 4/15/2005, 9:52 PM
Well most of the features you just listed are not new.

The limits on Vegas as the NLE of choice have mainly been connectivity with other systems/hardware and Media Managment. It seems like those are now addressed. As the review said a lot of the improvement to Vegas 6 are below the hood. Vegas is going to work very with Digibeta which means newsrooms across the country can be switching, which means more opportunities for Vegas editors.

Also I think they are holding back something....
Spot|DSE wrote on 4/15/2005, 9:53 PM
Also I think they are holding back something....

Count on it.
busterkeaton wrote on 4/15/2005, 10:00 PM
Uh, Red, what part of "We all have to live with that" is selfish or ignorant? It's stating that Vegas serves too audiences.

Also, "if you are not happy" is a conditional.

"I guess you can take a look at Nuendo or protools" is not the same as "Go use Nuendo or protools." That is why Nat's post is not the equivalent to "go buy an Avid now." It also assumes that most Vegas audio users know the reasons they chose Vegas and the prices of the products.

Nat's comments are not out of line and your reply is an overreaction.
Rednroll wrote on 4/15/2005, 10:08 PM
"4. Even if Vegas 6 is primarily a "video-guy" upgrade, maybe you'll remember this thread from a year ago when the video guys had angst and the audio guys (Rednroll, Ben, Spot) were crowing about what a great upgrade (finally) Vegas 5 was."

And do you know the reality of that 5.0 upgrade? Vegas 5 was a 50/50 split of audio features vs. video features and the video users where complaining. Imagine that, the audio users where ecstatic that they actually got at least the same amount of audio features as video features since Vegas 2.0. So far I see one thing for Vegas 6 that is beneficial to the audio users. VST plugin support. Tape style audio scrubbing? The only ones I've seen asking for that are the video users who like the scrubbing technique used in Premiere. Nested timelines? Yep, that could benefit audio users, but of course this was a Video user request first and foremost, and probably down at the bottom of everyone's list on the audio side compared to other more needed audio features. Even the VST plugin support probably benefits the video user crowd more, because most audio users already have a large arsenal of DX plugins, where the Video user can find a large assortment of FREE VST plugins for their audio needs now.

Congratulations on the good Video side feature upgrade, I'm truly happy for you. As audio users we'll prey Sony actually listens to the audio side for once when Acid 6.0 comes along, or maybe that will change to a word processor application next, and then we'll be asking for the loop sequencing and multitracking and midi features in Sound Forge next......or maybe by that time we'll be able to save up our pennies and buy Protools and learn it more effeciently by then.
Rednroll wrote on 4/15/2005, 10:12 PM
"your reply is an overreaction."
You could be right, I also have very good reasons for my overreaction, so I don't need you to tell me how to react.
busterkeaton wrote on 4/15/2005, 10:13 PM
You may have very good reasons not to be happy with Vegas 6, but Nat is not the guy who set the priorities for Vegas 6.
Rednroll wrote on 4/15/2005, 10:15 PM
Thanks for coming to Nat's defense busterkeaton, from his statements I see he can't talk for himself very well.
FuTz wrote on 4/15/2005, 10:45 PM
I'm eager to see the new features we don't know about yet.
'Cause I'm sure there are other features we don't know about yet.

At least I hope and if that's all, let's refer to point one, haha heehee hoho

So far, I like what I'm seeing but for how much dough?

I passed on Sound Forge 'cause I knew I wouldn't use it much, I can do the same with Vegas as I'm already a happy camper here.
Personnally, my life doesn't depend on it, but I'm eager to see those new features. All of them.

newbe wrote on 4/15/2005, 10:48 PM
How much will it cost to upgrade from VEGAS 4 ?
Laurence wrote on 4/15/2005, 10:51 PM
What caught my eye were the new uprezzing and downrezzing features. That's the one area I feel that VirtualDub currently is better. I'd love good uprezzing to be available directly in Vegas. It sounds like it will be in version 6.
FuTz wrote on 4/15/2005, 10:53 PM
We'll know soon.
Usually, it's the same price for at least the two earlier versions to upgrade from what I've seen so far.
They announced V6 to be cheaper than V5 at its release so since the upgrade was around $300 at that time (am I right? mmm... not sure) , I guess we can expect something around the same price ?
TheHappyFriar wrote on 4/15/2005, 11:04 PM
I'm hoping. If they do it as now, from any version of Vegas (except LE) would be $200. To Vegas + DVDA would be $300. If they do the $100 off (like that have some since I started with V4) then it would be $100 & $200, respectively.
FuTz wrote on 4/15/2005, 11:08 PM

You are right !
Last time I bought V5+DVDA2...
BGil wrote on 4/15/2005, 11:42 PM
So I've been mulling over all the features that have been mentioned in those magazine ads, Spot's article, and now Charlie's first look....

DVI/VGA monitoring-- Seeing as Firewire monitoring required the clips on the timeline to be turned into DV and DVI/VGA monitoring shouldn't have that requirement, does that mean that you can preview anything via DVI/VGA? HD, SD, Cineform, HDV, MPEG-1, MPEG-1 MJPEG etc.?
So couldn't someone just buy a DVI to Component or S-video converter and go out to SVHS or Beta straight from the timeline?

Project Nesting-- So lets say I open two copies of Vegas and import the .veg from Vegas instnace 1 into Vegas instance 2. Now if I pre-render Vegas instance 1 does that pre-render automatically get picked up by the second instance? That would be a very great way of background rendering nested projects. Does the background rendering script accept .veggies now?

So you can drop markers while the timeline is playing? What else can you do while the timeline is playing?

Taking a look at the Sony Vegas 6 user interface, it’s almost the same as its predecessor, Vegas 5. One standout new feature in the updated user interface is the ability to hover your cursor over a thumbnail of one of the clips in the media manager window, and then a larger, easier-to-see version of that clip enlarges in front of it, complete with a scrub bar. It’s a useful idea, particularly if you’re rummaging around in a library full of thousands of clips and wondering what it is you actually have.

I've seen something like that in the DirectX 9 SDK and VMR9. VMR9 allows for hardware acceleration of Directshow transforms via DX3D-- I think. Does that mean that Vegas 6 is now on DirectX 9 instead of DX 7? I know it's a stretch but is there anything like GPU acceleration in Vegas 6?

Just curious random thoughts.
BGil wrote on 4/15/2005, 11:51 PM
Anyone else notice that no one has mentioned two things:

1. VEgas has Decklink support for uncompressed but there's no indication of whether or not you can use the card for effects acceleration-- or even if you don't need to because Vegas has something else.

2. Vegas 5 came with Boris LTD and Magic Bullet or whatever it's called. What does Vegas 6 come with

3 If Vegas has much better processor optimizations then it should run faster than Vegas 5, right? More realtime preview, maybe realtime output over firewire?.
FullCircle wrote on 4/16/2005, 1:40 AM
I think Decklink SDI support is great. But I'm wondering if Vegas will be editing Digibeta footage at DV50 now? Or is everything downconverted to DV25 when it gets into your pc?
And what about 8-bit/10-bit?

Randy Vild wrote on 4/16/2005, 3:48 AM
yes!!! $200 my appologies I read it wrong. This makes me happy though.
It's funny I was still considering $600..I love this program!

MarkFoley wrote on 4/16/2005, 4:21 AM
Also I think they are holding back something....

It is amazing we are having similiar conversations as just before the release of 5...remember? Some features were pre-released and many were concerned this or that wasn't included and falling on their sword over it....then the release proved to include much more than originally thought...I suspect it will be the same. Hats of to Sony to actually lower the expected upgrade price.....
kdi001 wrote on 4/16/2005, 4:34 AM
When is Vegas 6 available to the public, this year or 2006?

MarkFoley wrote on 4/16/2005, 4:43 AM
probably next tuesday.....
JJKizak wrote on 4/16/2005, 5:38 AM
Vegas is like smoking cigarettes, once your hooked, your hooked.