
drbam wrote on 2/11/2009, 6:18 AM
You need to contact Sony directly. Apparently CDA is the bastard step-child of their offerings and its doubtful that they ever monitor this forum any more.
bandit wrote on 3/4/2009, 10:29 AM
i had problem when i burned the CD , it played but with no audio. If you leave out the ISRC's code does it play the audio?. I contacted Sony and they said to update my Software. so when i updated to 5.2d it worked fine.also try an external burner
Geoff_Wood wrote on 3/4/2009, 1:40 PM
The product works just fine for most people. If you have a problem and want it fixed, then report your fault in the appropriate place. Here is not the appropriate place for urgent problems, as they clearly point out.

That aside, have you uppdated your drive's firmware, and downloaded the latest version update of CDA ?
