Sound Card fine in Vegas, but not in DVDA

PeterWright wrote on 12/10/2014, 3:51 AM
On my main PC the sound card is a Steinberg UR22 external USB, which works fine.

In Vegas I have it selected as my Audio Device and it performs well, but in DVDA, when I try to Preview, I cannot - I get this error:

“A device is not available ……..
[Details] The playback device Microsoft Sound Mapper does not exist.”

I cannot find anywhere in DVDA where any Audio Device is specified.

Any ideas?



Grazie wrote on 12/10/2014, 4:16 AM
I set up through my MS Audio devices. VP is smart. DVDA? Not so much!


PeterWright wrote on 12/10/2014, 4:36 AM
Thanks Grazie - in my "Playback" window my Steinberg is selected, in fact it's the only device there!

How DVDA then goes looking for Microsoft Sound Mapper is well beyond me!

I think this may be connected with the fact that although Vegas consistently finds and uses the Steinberg, nothing else on this computer does - things like Media Player, VLC Player and Youtube are silent!!!

I work around by using a different computer for these functions, but it's very frustrating that I can't preview in DVDA.

As a former Prime Minister of ours once said, "Life wasn't meant to be easy."
Grazie wrote on 12/10/2014, 4:44 AM
OK. Now, I've had to DISABLE, check another Device and then RE-ENABLE the AUDIOBOX. That's been and is my solution to these "features".


PeterWright wrote on 12/10/2014, 5:00 AM
Well, that's led to a bit of progress - when I first disabled the Steinberg, it disappeared from "playback" and there were no devices there at all!

I then went into Device Manager and re-enabled the onboard sound card and an NVidia audio card, and the Steinberg then reappeared when I went back to "Playback".

But - at least I can now actually preview in DVDA - but without any sound. I know if I connected speakers to one of the other cards, it would probably work, but I want DVDA to use my Steinberg along with my Tannoy Studio Speakers!
Grazie wrote on 12/10/2014, 5:24 AM
OK. I've had this and have had to cycle through disabling and re-enabling and TESTING each card. Believe me, it sounds screwy but it HAD been the only way.

My SKYPE mic and my AUDIOBOX and the several HDMI and SPDIF connections provides me with much enjoyment.

Try re-cycling the various options.


pwppch wrote on 12/10/2014, 7:24 AM

Are you using ASIO drivers in Vegas?

Do you have "Close audio and MIDI ports when not the active application" enabled in general prefs?

What sounds like is happening is that Vegas is keeping the Borg device open. With some hardware and drivers (ASIO in particular), hardware cannot be shared between apps.

DVDA uses the mapper, so if the mapper is routed to the UR22 and Vegas has it open and active, it could prevent the system from opening it for other app use. The error message you get is seen in these cases.

You may want to try setting Vegas to use the mapper also - assuming that you have Windows audio set up prefs to use the UR22 as the default.

PeterWright wrote on 12/10/2014, 8:29 AM
Thanks for the response Peter.

"Are you using ASIO drivers in Vegas?"


"Do you have "Close audio and MIDI ports when not the active application" enabled in general prefs?"


"You may want to try setting Vegas to use the mapper also - assuming that you have Windows audio set up prefs to use the UR22 as the default."

I do have the UR22 set as default in Windows (8.1) Playback Device / Playback, but if I set Vegas to use MS Mapper, Vegas then also plays silently.

I'd appreciate any further advice, and I'll read it in the morning - it's bedtime here! Thanks

CJB wrote on 12/10/2014, 2:43 PM
I also get screwy results using ASIO drivers with my Presonus firebox and Vegas. It is because Vegas runs ASIO drivers at 48 khz and most other apps use MS mapper is at 44.1 khz. When you leave Vegas it does not automatically reset to 44.1 khz. I reset my ASIO driver manually to 44.1 khz after leaving Vegas. This does not happen with other programs which seem to release the driver properly, e.g. Ableton Live.

I have been getting some screwy latency/lag times with MS Mapper and Vegas. Are the rest of you getting reasonable latency with MS Mapper?
ChristoC wrote on 12/10/2014, 2:56 PM
In DVDA, Menu: Options | Preferences | General Tab: there is a selection "Use Direct Sound Surround Mapper" - have you tried that selecting / deselecting that?
PeterWright wrote on 12/10/2014, 6:10 PM
thanks dancerchris. I'd like to try that - how does one change drivers from 48 to 44.1 manually? (I'm in Windows 8.1)

Another thing is that even if I don't use Vegas at all after first booting up, the situation is still the same - no audible sounds at all, then after opening Vegas it works perfectly. I've got used to using this computer as "Vegas only", but I'd like at least DVDA to work too.

ChristoC - Yes I've tried checking that option - it results in no preview at all, just an error message. After following Grazie's suggestion on disabling and re-enabling, I do now at least get preview in DVDA, but with no sound. Checking the Direct Sound Surround Mapper sends me back to the Error message.
pwppch wrote on 12/10/2014, 6:14 PM
"Another thing is that even if I don't use Vegas at all after first booting up, the situation is still the same - no audible sounds at all, then after opening Vegas it works perfectly. "

This says to me that the Windows setting for the default audio device are incorrect.

I don't have the same device as you do available, so I can't say how to fix this.

PeterWright wrote on 12/10/2014, 7:07 PM
Thanks Peter, not sure what to do about the setting in Windows, but I'll keep trying ...

By the way, when I said "Vegas only" - Acid Pro also works fine!
PeterWright wrote on 12/10/2014, 7:46 PM
Good news!

Without actually changing any setting, I've been opening and closing various apps, and I did notice that Sound Forge is using Microsoft Sound Mapper, and is also audible. After closing this I gave WMPlayer another try and it worked! Similarly I can now hear VLC Player and Youtube, and, most importantly, DVDA Preview is also loud and clear!

Phew! Now, on to another irritation with this same computer - Vegas and DVDA both play video perfectly, but everything else, including WMPlayer, VLC Player and any video played from the Internet, has a constant flicker, faster than once a second. I'll start another thread after I've shot a sample ....

EDIT - after rebooting, the computer reverted to its previous state of silence outside Vegas. I tried opening Sound Forge but this was also silent this time. I then tried repeating everything I had previously done.
I also have a lite, AI version of Cubase which came with the UR22 but I have not used it ( can't fathom it out) - but I had opened it earlier, and it played audibly so I again opened it and played part of a clip, and after I did this, everything started working again.

So, something about opening and playing in Cubase seems to reset everything and I now hopefully have a way of making things work - a bit weird but better than nothing.
CJB wrote on 12/10/2014, 8:10 PM
This is the same thing that happened to me but with Ableton Live, I open it because it has the default ASIO drivers set at 44.1 kHz, so it would reset the hardware to operate at the 44.1 kHz. No doubt your CuBase default project will set your hardware to the 44.1 kHz to this value as well....
Geoff_Wood wrote on 12/11/2014, 3:27 PM
Is there an ASIO driver only installed for the card. DVDA may not see that !

PeterWright wrote on 12/11/2014, 8:05 PM
The only driver listed for the card in Vegas is ASIO Geoff.

Thankfully I now have a workaround - if I open then close Cubase it resets something and DVDA then previews fine.