Stability when bussing

eyeshow wrote on 11/22/2010, 6:03 PM
In a usual session at my place, there's about 40-60 audio tracks, and about 8-12 busses (I think M is usually the highest buss) in Vegas 8c. It seems that when things start getting bussed around is when there's a loss of stability and crashing becomes more frequent. I've had some sessions that crash like every 5 min after doing 3 deep busses (i.e. drums: overheads to 1 buss, toms to another, etc. then bussed to an all drums buss, then bussed to all music bus). And when outputs to external hardware is used through bussed outs, watch out, crashing 50% of the time.

Is this something known... or am I just experiencing it exclusively?


Win XP Pro sp3 32 bit
M-Audio delta 1010lt (x2) v5057 drivers
gigabyte 965p-ds3 v3.3
intel q6600 2.4ghz
2 gb ram


musicvid10 wrote on 11/22/2010, 6:18 PM
2G is not a lot of RAM to be running that kind of overhead.
An OS + RAM upgrade might be on Santa's list.
eyeshow wrote on 11/22/2010, 6:25 PM
yeah i hear that... Unfortunately that would also mean upgrading many plug-ins, vst instruments, pro tools 7, and on and on $$$
imac wrote on 11/23/2010, 2:01 PM
for me this issue goes way back in versions..
even now i cringe when having to add another buss cos i know it makes the project just a little more unstable

i call it a vegas issue because this goes through years of hardware changes

prob cos of increased latency compensation complexity for the plugs is my guess