
Begbie wrote on 8/21/2003, 2:20 AM
OK i am a bit of newbie myself but...

use pan and crop on the track to slant the text backwards and use a media generator colour gradiant to create a nive blurred frame so your text doesnt appear from the edge of the screen. EDIT: io think you will have to use the plugin pac 3d actualy.

PIP is having 2 tracks on the top track use Pan and Crop to resize the screen to your PIP size and then move to the position you want.
FadeToBlack wrote on 8/21/2003, 3:26 AM
Begbie wrote on 8/21/2003, 5:54 AM
When using the downloaded veggies, how does one replace the coloured media with ones own clips AND keep the setting for ther event or track?
TorS wrote on 8/21/2003, 6:01 AM
If you right-click-drag the new events (one by one) from Vegas' explorer and drop them on the events you want to replace you'll get a menu where you can choose Add as take. Do that.
jamcas wrote on 8/21/2003, 8:53 AM
thanks for your tips, i got an effect working with deform but its not quite right, the #D plug in sonds the way to go but for some reason i dont have that plug in available on my PC (VV4) Is it an update i need to load ?

jetdv wrote on 8/21/2003, 8:56 AM
The 3DLE plugin is part of the Plug-N-Pac from
FadeToBlack wrote on 8/21/2003, 1:15 PM
jamcas wrote on 8/21/2003, 7:27 PM
thanks for the advice guys ! this is a very friendly and useful forum.
