Streaming Video/Audio on the Web

SHTUNOT wrote on 1/2/2002, 3:11 AM
I am trying to figure out how to set up streaming video on the web. So that say if I clicked on a hyperlink it goes to my server and opens up a windows media/quicktime/realplayer file of the desired size[300/128/56 kilobytes]. The best example is at . There they have a page where you can click on a graphic and it gives you a choice of quality of the stream,then lets you download and watch it.Different commercials from around the world and stuff. How is this done exactly? Which company do I pick when it comes to server space. What should I look out for? Any good books on this subject? Any tutorials? Whats the going rate for servers anyway?

I see that Vegas has the command line for addressing such issues...Could you guys give a few examples as to how a command line is used...never touched it yet. Pretty nervous about using it too. Thanks a bunch. I'll be back with more questions in a few. Later.


Tyler.Durden wrote on 1/2/2002, 8:27 AM
Many folks getting started in streaming use HTTP or "psuedo-streaming". You don't need to buy the server software, or use a dedicated server - any web host that allows .ram and .rm files will suffice.

Real has some info:

A google search on "http streaming" is also a good place to start looking for info.

Win media player files can call URLs into another frame, launch new movies and much more...

For winmedia files and commands:

I'm not sure about server setups in winmedia... with the power of command features, it bears lookin into.

Another bargain streaming option is Wildform Flix. You can process any avi into a Flash movie, which streams from any web-server and can include many powerful Flash-features. (

THT and HY2K2, MPH
Jessariah67 wrote on 1/2/2002, 3:55 PM
It takes a while to figure out streaming, but once you've got it down, it's actually very easy. I use Stream Anywhere to publish files in Real format (Media Player requires special servers, while most servers support Real). You creat a .ram file when you publish. That .ram file points to your .rm file, causing it to stream.

Here's a project I'm currently working on (this is just a rough). It streams for dialup, so the quality isn't too hot. (replace "lo" with "hi" in the address for hi-speed).

Stream Anywhere does fine, but you have to tweak the files a bit. I pulled many a hair, but finally figured it out. Works like a charm.
Spot|DSE wrote on 1/3/2002, 1:50 AM
check out
There is a pretty specific tutorial with examples there.