I have this Testimonial project where I need to do subtitles to an interview in different languages.
So I used , video media generator , and selected Vegas titles and text preset subtitles
I did the dutch subs firs(track 3), synched the parts, went perfecty
So I duplicated the track (4) to keep the sync and muted the first one (3) and replaced the dutch language with the engish one
Again dupicated the track (5) and started the French one ,
Now I noticed that the tracks above (4) and (3) also have changed to the French one, so every time I change the words on track 5 track 3 and 4 aso changes ???
So all my work I did on track 3 and 4 is gone ??? Ok gonna redo it tommorow
But how can I get the tracks 3 and 4 not changing if I change 5 ???
And sorry but I think this is a bug , if you select a piece of text and you alter it , only that piece should change