Sudden lag in moving/selecting

Jessariah67 wrote on 4/19/2015, 11:15 AM
Hey everyone,

I've suddenly noticed a lag when moving things around on the timeline, selecting text, etc. in both 10 & 13 64 bit. Strangely, it doesn't do the same in 10 32 bit.

Here is an example (10 64 is first, followed by 10 32):

Is there some setting that I might have changed that would cause this? On occasion, my computer will just run and run and needs to be shut down, but then the problems have gone away. Now, this happens on afresh boot.

Any help would be appreciated.



TeetimeNC wrote on 4/19/2015, 12:20 PM
Jessariah, the first thing I would look at - do you have at least 10% free space on your system disk, preferably more. Next, look in task manager and see what applications/processes are running and consuming the most memory/processor.

TheHappyFriar wrote on 4/19/2015, 12:23 PM
Because it works as expected in 32 & not 64, a driver/codec/etc. comes to mind. Something is slowing down 64-bit Vegas.

Of course the "did you try rebooting/shutting down & trying" should be added to Jerry's suggestions (but the % of free space should effect eachother, that doesn't seem likely to me).
Jessariah67 wrote on 4/19/2015, 6:31 PM
Yes, I did a fresh, cold boot.

As far as drivers/codecs go, where/what would I be looking for?

TheHappyFriar wrote on 4/20/2015, 8:09 AM
Anything that's changed since it last worked (windows updates, GPU drivers, audio drivers, desktop enhancements turned on/off, etc). Maybe even do a system restore & see if that fixes it.