suggestions: vid camera boom/stands

jaydeeee wrote on 3/13/2006, 7:04 PM
Hi, this might be simple for soem of you, but I need to mount my camcorder up high and pointing straight down for a video, and I'mlooking for some affordable stand/boom products out there.

Right now I have a tripod, but that only offers aside angle view at best of course.

Are there any products out there for this? Can any of you help with suggestions?
I'm not finding much out there except the high end cranes out there (I don't need that, just need to mount the vid camera (sony) locked STILL from above and pointing straight down...I don't need crane movement or anythign intricate, etc.
So I definitely don't want to spend that much on a crane type for what I need.

What should I be searching for? Any suggested links/products?

If not i guess I'll have to fabricate or rig something to accomplish this (little time for this).




Jim H wrote on 3/13/2006, 7:46 PM
How about a step ladder and a clamp?
garo wrote on 3/13/2006, 9:45 PM
I recently bought Dan Selakovich's book "Killer Camera Rigs" and even though I haven't actually built anything from it I can recomend it highly. Fast delivery too! It'll take you beyond clamps and ladders fast.

JohnnyRoy wrote on 3/13/2006, 10:04 PM
My Bogen 3021 Pro Tripod allows you to mount the camera sideways or straight down.

From the Specification:
Converting easily to a lateral arm, this allows the photographer to mount the column ninety degrees relative to the legs, making for completely unobstructed straight-down shooting.

jaydeeee wrote on 3/13/2006, 10:05 PM
ladders and clamps?

There's got to be something on the market (much like a mic boom stand, yet able to hold a camcorder).....right?

hmm, product Idea ;)

Bogden: Thank you for a link (but I'm not seeing anything "boom" related there - part # please, any info?).
However, I can already say that would be out. After buying a nice tripod already, I'm not paying $300 on another stand...this is easily an item that should be similar/little bit more in price to a quality mic boom stand.

I'm just looking for a solid, stay put,"mic type" boom stand...but for camcorders.
Nothing out there? Wow, I'm amazed...I just assumed that accessory a no brainer.

Wel, hopefully more people will chime in.'s plan and building time again.

I'll look up that book, thanks so far for any help guys
Jessariah67 wrote on 3/14/2006, 3:46 PM
I have this with the super clamp and love it. The sections of the arm have locking teeth, so it doesn't sink under the weight of the camera.
Steve Mann wrote on 3/14/2006, 8:10 PM
You didn't say how tall or how portable that you you need, but I have an idea.

I set up a rig for shooting straight down for a training video. The client wanted a view of an assembly operation from straight overhead. But I was also going to do cutaways to the trainer from the front.

My solution was a DJ's light rig, 8-ft tall and 10-ft wide and one Bogen superclamp. I think it cost a little over $100.

jaydeeee wrote on 3/15/2006, 12:28 PM
Hmm, the bogen in your link might just work. i wish I could see better pics and see it's size, extension length, etc.
I'm just in shock this type of product isn't out there (rather than the cranes/jibs I've seen). There's a reason for a crane/jib but that's not the purpose for this (a simple yet limited alternative to a steady/locked overhead shot).

So let's see, in this case it needs to ride high enough to accomodate a pianist/ hammond organist (or any instruments that benefit with an direct overhead view). So I guess I'd say at least 8-10 feet above the subject should do (yet remain out of the way in the boom/extension).

As of now I'm planning on getting a wide base mic stand with locking (teeth) boom, a thin wood block would then mount one side to the mic boom end screw, while the other side will mount the camcorder clamp screw.
Any balancing issues (if that boom is overextended for example) shouldbe able to be combated with simple weights I suppose.

Primitive but it should work.
farss wrote on 3/15/2006, 12:37 PM
I've done this VERY cheaply.
Just a Manfrotto (read Bogan) light stand and a grip to hold a length of aluminium tube say 3M long. I have an old stills head that slides into the Al pipe and hang a bag with a book on the other end of the pipe. I can get the camera 3M in the air with a 3M reach to get vertiguous shots looking down on a piano player,
Needs a few shotbags at the bottom and it will sway a little as you move it but it will not fall over. Use the cameras remote to control the camera.
I think no one sells a complete solution as it's so easy to roll your own for peanuts.

Oh, if you want something a little more secure run the pipe between two stand.