I have a very large media library that I'm trying to get reigned in and organized. I'm using Vegas as an assist to identify which files are truly media files (i.e. contains a video stream and/or audio stream) vs. side files or some sort of metafiles. So I'd like to keep this running as a script inside of Vegas. Somehow I've managed to get some files loaded onto the (Windows) hard drive that exceed the Windows archaic max file name length / max path name length. I feel like I just got transported back to the 90's.... I've been reading about setting a registry entry to enable long path support. I did that. It wasn't set. Yet somehow some long path files were copied onto the drive while the drive was installed on this machine. But how they got there no longer really matters. They are there. The Windows docs say in addition to the registry key, the 'application' needs to have a manifest file stating that it supports long paths. I'm assuming with Vegas scripts, that would be Vegas Pro itself, correct? I don't see any manifest files. But it says the file might have been embedded in the exe or dll. But bottom line... I get errors on just about all of the File and Path class methods when I encounter these files. I know I can hack around it and/or possibly rename all of the media files to shorter legal path names. But to me that seems like begging for problems downstream at a later date when a bunch of media files suddenly get different names. So I'm not really a fan of that, at least as the first solution to try.
So my question is... does Vegas handle long path names? If not out of the box, can it do so with a manifest file or something? Is there a way to isolate Vegas scripts to support long paths even if Vegas itself cannot? If there's a way to do it, might be a good topic for another video, Ed.
Thanks as usual.