Switching to Vegas


filmy wrote on 10/30/2003, 11:10 PM
Are you still getting the black frames with the most recent version? I have some some significant projects (2+ hours long) in V4 and the black frames are gone.<<<

Yes I am. Most, if not all, of my posts about the "black frame/gap" have been as I was using the latest version. I can't say if this happened in any other version as I only discovered this issue recently.
PeterWright wrote on 10/30/2003, 11:26 PM
I used Premiere from version 4 to 6.

I was given a demo of Premiere Pro yesterday. Sure it does all the expected things, but it's so damn klunky!

To do so many things you have to first open this and click on that, to find the tool to do it with etc - so many things in Vegas are right there where you're already working.

Even cross dissolves - you can overlap clips in PPro, but to make that overlap into a dissolve you have to go to another window to set dissolve settings and apply the dissolve tool ....

It does have a few desirable features such as nested timelines, but nothing that would remotely make it worthwhile putting up with that workflow again.