TC Native Bundle and SoFo apps

drbam wrote on 2/25/2003, 7:33 PM
I downloaded the TC Native Bundle 3.0 demo and also the fxpansion vst wrapper 4.1. Everything installed and seems to work ok except the TC plugs won't load as a track efx in Vegas 3 or Acid 3 but they load fine as bus efx. They also load fine in Sound Forge 6. Is this normal or am I missing something?




SonyJEV wrote on 2/26/2003, 1:14 PM
There was a bug in ACID/Vegas where some plug-ins would not connect properly using the Audio Plug-In Chooser for a track but would work properly on a buss.

This should be fixed in ACID/Vegas4.

If your problem is caused by the same bug, you should be able to drag and drop the plug-in onto the track header from the Audio Plug-In Window. This way I am able to addd a plug-in that is will exhibit this bug (don't have the TC stuff myself) to a track.

The Audio Plug-In Window can be shown from the View menu in Vegas. It is hidden in ACID3, but can be brought up by pressing Alt+7.

