
H2000 wrote on 4/27/2005, 3:41 PM
Haven't used them, but the Oxford EQ is said to be one of the best. It would be great to see a native version come with Vegas!
drbam wrote on 4/27/2005, 3:46 PM
I'm very interested in these because of the eq and I think the TC 6000 verb in now available for them (or soon at least). Yes, a native version of the eq would be nice but there's no way the verb could be the same quality as a native plug.

MacMoney wrote on 4/28/2005, 6:11 AM
If you are looking for Eq's
Try out the URS Classic Console Equalizer Bundle.
Neve and API (VST)

George Ware
drbam wrote on 4/30/2005, 6:54 AM
Bumping this and adding:

I'm primarily interested in the verbs. I've read reports on other forums of folks who have both the Powercore and UAD-1. Virtually everyone feels the verbs in Powercore are more comprehensive and sound really wonderful. Most prefer the UAD-1 for compressors and to a lesser extent, eq. Therefore, the BIG question is: how well does the Powercore system get along with Sony apps? The Powercore system is a lot more $, but from all reports I've seen here, the UAD-1 still doesn't work well enough with Sony apps for me to risk it. With Vegas 6 apparently its gotten worse? So, I'm interested in the Powercore but I'm not gonna spend $1k to be a beta-tester. Has anyone here tried these?

