The joy of Vegas Pro


Rob Franks wrote on 1/24/2011, 7:52 PM
"Avid is a small company having to compete against the behemoth money of Apple, Adobe, etc. And somehow, when $100M of movie is on the line, they seem to be the go to system 99.9% of the time."

Oh please... are you serious?? Apple makes nickels and dimes from FCP so it's really not hard to compare Avid to it. The simple fact alone that Avid is losing out to a gadget company who's primary interest has little to do with software let alone editing, is a great example of just how badly Avid is doing.

As for your "$100M of movie"... what the heck is your point??? Have you ever seen the movie 12 Angry Men? Now there's a truly great movie who's only real prop on the set is a simple table. That all time great, shoe-string budget movie would surely blow the doors off of ANY "$100M" movie you speak of. So stop waving that flag like it was something special and impressive.... it just bores me to death.
Rob Franks wrote on 1/24/2011, 8:00 PM

Yes... but you're here saying this load of silliness because you want to make Vegas better.... right Bob. I'm sure SCS is paying attention to this and taking you seriously ;)

"The thing that you probably don't know as you haven't been around here that long... "
Do not assume anything Bob. To ASSUME is to make an ASS of U and ME. I have been around longer than you may understand.
ushere wrote on 1/24/2011, 9:23 PM
rf - if sony was serious about vegas being truly pro then they'd have sorted the edl problem out YEARS ago.

i love vegas, but for serious professional work (i don't mean indies like myself or event producers who are basically one man bands), there's a lot of work needs to be done (as perone pointed out), that hasn't been touched in years, and 3d most certainly wasn't a come on to any professional.

i lost a couple of major clients when i finally gave up on avid in favour of vegas - would have been able to keep them if i could have given them edl's. simple as that.
farss wrote on 1/24/2011, 10:42 PM
"Yes... but you're here saying this load of silliness because you want to make Vegas better.... right Bob. I'm sure SCS is paying attention to this and taking you seriously ;) "

No, I was saying this in reply to your patently fanboy mentality. One thing that's always been a great attraction to Vegas users is the lack of fanboys and the openness of this forum. If it's broke someone will say it's broke. If a vital feature is missing you can bet someone will bitch about it and keep bitching about it, for years. Yes, some of us will say what might seem to the casual visitor to be silly things.

As for Sony listening to me, well I guess I could dig out an email or you could read this:

The ability ot export a timecoded BWF file has been asked for for nearly a decade. I and many others were quite excited when it was finally added in V10...except it's only half done. Much angst over this in the audio forum. Perhaps you'd like to go stalk some of the old hands over there, trust me they don't play as nice as we do here.

"Do not assume anything Bob. To ASSUME is to make an ASS of U and ME. I have been around longer than you may understand"

I was making no assumption, just going off available information.

Compared to a some people around here, still pretty wet behind the ears.

Anthony J C wrote on 1/25/2011, 4:31 AM
Sorry Bob, but the join date for this forum has nothing to do with experience or time in this business. I only joined recently but have been cutting film since the old days (late 60's) in Moviola land, so hardly wet behind the ears, more like dried up old prune!!!!


Rob Franks wrote on 1/25/2011, 4:38 AM
"No, I was saying this in reply to your patently fanboy mentality"

Now you're getting even sillier Bob. What exactly is a "fanboy"??? By your own definition ("If it's broke someone will say it's broke").... I can't be one (proof in the following threads):

You know what I think Bob... I think you're so aware and allergic to this term "fanboy" that you CONSCIOUSLY go out of your way with rubbish like the above to try and prove to all the people out there in internet land.... that you are not one. That's the only thing I can think of Bob. I mean here we have a thread that was started by some one who was satisfied with the product and wanted to list that satisfaction.... and you... out of the blue, and for absolutely NO reason that I can see, felt the need to be the FIRST one to jump in and pee all over it.

Pretty grown up thing to do there Bob.

Now what I can't figure out is that if you weren't interested in saying "Hear, Hear!!" as in the other two previous responding posts... then why did you feel the need to say anything at all??? Why did you go out of your way to pop some one's balloon??

Either way Bob.... I now feel I'm 3 years old having a sandbox fight with another 3 year old.... I can't partake in this anymore.... I have very little interest in trying to prove that my sand shovel is bigger than yours.
farss wrote on 1/25/2011, 4:46 AM
"Sorry Bob, but the join date for this forum has nothing to do with experience or time in this business"

That's absolutely true however my exact words were:

"The thing that you probably don't know as you haven't been around here that long is we used to have support for some of the industry standard interchange formats."

farss wrote on 1/25/2011, 5:12 AM
" I think you're so aware and allergic to this term "fanboy""

You're on the money there, I work with a rabid FC fanboy, drives me friggin nuts. On the rare occasions we have a fellow Vegas user come into the place that I start talking to he has to hover around and interject something about FCS every 20 seconds or so.

robwood wrote on 1/25/2011, 8:12 AM
wow. just wow. how far down the rabbit hole are all you guys? something about "pro" and "joy"? i remember reading those words way up near the top... sorry i cant stop laughing reading this. rofl

anyway thx for the chuckle; and there was some good info here/there... seriously. lol

anyway, gotta go to work now where i use Vegas but tell everyone its a new GUI for Premiere or Avid so they take me seriously... ha!