I tend to "listen" more than speak here on this forum, but I finally have to open my big mouth.
In the past, I've actually chuckled at a few of your posts.
I've observed that you have, at minimum, experience with stage lighting, NLE editing, and perhaps have some marketable skills and talents.
You lack some "people skills", seem to have some apparent frustrations with your work, and although you want to utilize this internet forum to scream a "roaring silence" about your unhappiness with this product ( to us satisfied users of this product), I'd stil like to see something come out of your computer keyboard that represented your knowledge and expertise, rather that a simple "rant".
Not all of us are Hollywood producers (and I doubt you are either), and I doubt many people here have Steven Spielbergs home phone number for the latest "Industrial Light and Magic" production, but I'll tell ya this:
The bucks for Vegas 3, 4, and 5 were worth every penny.
Simply put:
It works. It was money well spent.
"Return on Investment..??" HA! There aren't too many "investments" that can give a 100 % return after only one job.
This software did. The cost is insignificant. I'd have paid three times the price to find it sooner.
I've yet to find a piece of software that made me "more creative".
Some inspired creativity, some made "looking creative" a little easier.
I'm pretty happy with it all.
I hope you can find a way to include a little "rationality" in your future posts.
If you can't, hell, I'll "up Spot's offer", and kick in a hundred bucks or two, too.
Good luck to you.
In the past, I've actually chuckled at a few of your posts.
I've observed that you have, at minimum, experience with stage lighting, NLE editing, and perhaps have some marketable skills and talents.
You lack some "people skills", seem to have some apparent frustrations with your work, and although you want to utilize this internet forum to scream a "roaring silence" about your unhappiness with this product ( to us satisfied users of this product), I'd stil like to see something come out of your computer keyboard that represented your knowledge and expertise, rather that a simple "rant".
Not all of us are Hollywood producers (and I doubt you are either), and I doubt many people here have Steven Spielbergs home phone number for the latest "Industrial Light and Magic" production, but I'll tell ya this:
The bucks for Vegas 3, 4, and 5 were worth every penny.
Simply put:
It works. It was money well spent.
"Return on Investment..??" HA! There aren't too many "investments" that can give a 100 % return after only one job.
This software did. The cost is insignificant. I'd have paid three times the price to find it sooner.
I've yet to find a piece of software that made me "more creative".
Some inspired creativity, some made "looking creative" a little easier.
I'm pretty happy with it all.
I hope you can find a way to include a little "rationality" in your future posts.
If you can't, hell, I'll "up Spot's offer", and kick in a hundred bucks or two, too.
Good luck to you.