Track motion compositing

margaret-taylor wrote on 3/31/2013, 8:33 AM
I successfully created a picture-in-picture by clicking the track motion button on the video track, amending the default to make it smaller and moving it up to the left. I forgot that it would affect all my clips on that track. I thought it would be easy to just click on the track motion button again to cancel the compositing mode, but clicking the track motion button on the video track doesn't cancel the mode. I wonder where I am going wrong? Any advice would be appreciated


rs170a wrote on 3/31/2013, 8:00 AM
If you want to keep what you already have, either put that event on its own track or use keyframes to ensure that it's the only event affected.

Steve Grisetti wrote on 3/31/2013, 8:57 AM
Open the Track Motion window and select the Preset for Default. That will reset it.
margaret-taylor wrote on 3/31/2013, 11:05 AM
I have tried to reset the window to default but it doesn't revert back to default. The compositing still exists on that track
rs170a wrote on 3/31/2013, 12:19 PM
Margaret, Track Motion and Compositing are two different operations.
To reset Compositing, click the Compositing Mode button and select 3D Source Alpha (the top option).

margaret-taylor wrote on 4/1/2013, 7:25 AM
Ah! I see what you mean. I have got the two mixed up. Thanks Mike for your help
rs170a wrote on 4/1/2013, 7:33 AM
No problem Margaret. Glad you got it sorted out.
