I would like to revisit the issues I am having with the trimmer window, as I find some editing slow down and mechanics frustrations:
Most of the time, when you select a new clip and select an [I] inpoint first, and [O] out point after, you get a selection which you can then [A] add to your timeline super fast and easy.
Working on the same clip, you might readjust your Out thus voiding the In; depending on the circumstances and combination at play, you can get a valid I and O but no selection, forcing you to use [Shift+Q] 'Select Loop Region' where this should have been done IMO automatically. Where there's a valid IandO point, there should always be a selection. I also cannot doubleclick-select the loop region in the timeline under the trimmer window which would have been my first go-to fix. It selects everything. I would make 'everything triple-click to select.
Sometimes you re-select your O which then deletes your I for no reason.
When you have a selection and you reselect your I it deletes your O and your selection. why??
I love the trim window because you can very quickly have a rough edit but this is whackyness doesn't work how my mind works.