Two questions

JSWTS wrote on 2/14/2003, 6:49 AM
1. I started a menu driven dvd and imported a one hour mpeg file. I scrubbed through the timeline and created chapter points and went back to the main menu. When I right click on the menu button corresponding to the video clip it gives me an option to create a scene selection menu--which I chose. The problem is that when I go to build the disc, DVD-A treats every chapter link as an additional copy of the original mpeg clip. The clip is about 3.5 gigs (audio and video), and with 17 chapter marks the projects estimated size was close to 55 gigs! The project preview window doesn't give me any warnings about the video or audio. I must be doing something wrong here, or maybe this is a bug.

2. Is there a way to set the audio encoding parameters like the bitrate for stereo ac3(much like you can set the bitrate for the video encode)?



JSWTS wrote on 2/14/2003, 7:32 AM
OK--I figured out the answer/solution to question 1. I imported an mpeg which originally came from elementary stream sources (m2v and ac3). I multiplexed the two together in TMPGEnc and imported the mpeg file. I assumed the audio associated within the mpeg program stream was enough, so I didn't associate the original ac3 elementary stream with the video file. I noticed that when I tried to render the project (eventhough it's size estimate was 55 gigs--just wanted to see if it would go on and build) that the audio needed to be rendered eventhough I knew it was a compliant file. I went back and associated the original ac3 file with the mpeg video, and viola, the project size now dropped back down to what is was supposed to be (~3.5 gigs) and DVD-A didn't want to render my audio.
