Ultrafunk/Sonitus and vegas 6(c)

jaydeeee wrote on 3/6/2006, 4:54 PM
Can anybody check tell me if you're seeing these SONITUS/ULTRAFUNK plugin problems?

After working with (cakewalk sonar5) Sonitus plug-ins (and earlier Ultrafunk stallations), I'm seeing a huge problem when using the reverb for example on the master bus in vegas6, it's not retaining it's plug-in settings upon rendering.

*this occurs with the cake/Sonitus installed plugins and the earlier Ultrafunk installed versions - either DX or VST versions.

Even worse was the fact that the .veg file becomes corrupt when you use the sonar5/Sonitus installed DXi plugs - you can no longer open the .veg later (yet this certain problem not the earlier Ultrafunk installations).

Can others confirm this? I'm not seeing any info that relates to this problem on either site or anywhere on the web.



Hulk wrote on 3/24/2006, 10:46 PM
No problems with those plugs in Vegas 5. Sorry I don't have 6 but thought I could help rule out at least V5.

- Mark
PipelineAudio wrote on 3/26/2006, 7:37 PM
After the sonar 5 install, sonitus reverb could cause vegas to crash for me, on two separate PC's

I had to uninstall and then reinstall sonar 4, save the old dll's and reinstall sonar 5 ( because a project done on it wouldnt open in four :( ) then overwrote the new sonitus dll's with the ones from sonar 4