
Clyde200 wrote on 3/13/2003, 9:09 AM
Did you email the Dr. ? I did and am downloading the update right now.
videoman69 wrote on 3/13/2003, 10:07 AM
Where did you get the update?
Clyde200 wrote on 3/13/2003, 10:12 AM
Check out the Post "Beta Update" - then follow the directions.
Baylo wrote on 3/13/2003, 10:14 AM
I'm sure SoFo are taking it very seriously - I see the 'public beta' as evidence of that. Are you saying you want a fix released before it's been fully tested? I think the 'public beta' route is exactly the way to go to make sure the fix does what is intended. It sounds like you want to put the cart before the horse.

Johnny7777 wrote on 3/13/2003, 12:29 PM
Did the beta fix the problem you were having?
Clyde200 wrote on 3/13/2003, 12:31 PM
I'll let you know... testing right now.
TLT wrote on 3/13/2003, 9:03 PM
I downloaded the beta and everything I threw at it worked like a charm. All problems corrected here.
DanielH wrote on 3/13/2003, 9:56 PM
Me too... so far!

Clyde200 wrote on 3/13/2003, 10:17 PM
Smooth going here !
Ron Lucas wrote on 3/13/2003, 11:29 PM
Did any of you have the 'skipping' video problem with 1.0? I did and noticed a few others did too on DVD set top players like Apex and Mintek. 1.0a did not fix my problem with this. Wondering if someone else got it working.

Johnny7777 wrote on 3/13/2003, 11:38 PM
Where did you get the update? I couldn't find it on the updates page..everything else was there, did they take it off? Could someone send it to me thanks.
beatnik wrote on 3/13/2003, 11:58 PM
Hey Johnny7777 go to the post "update beta" it is at post 21 at the moment. There
you will get info as to how to get the beta.
teknal wrote on 3/14/2003, 12:44 AM
I still have the speed-up slow-down problem too but the blocky menu problem is gone. I've e-mailed them back with my findings.
SonySDB wrote on 3/14/2003, 8:33 AM
1.0a does not address the skipping video problem on Apex players. We are still trying to determine the cause of this problem.
rwsjr wrote on 3/14/2003, 10:09 AM
What does/will the update address?
scsinuts wrote on 3/14/2003, 12:25 PM
I e-mailed sofo with the info that they asked for yesterday and still haven't had a response. How long does it take them to get back with you?
teknal wrote on 3/14/2003, 12:45 PM
Here's the thread:
Update beta

Make sure you follow the instructions, you have to e-mail with you serial #, description of your exact problem, system specs.

Not sure if they're still accepting beta testers, if you are experiencing a problem that this fixes maybe they'll still send out the download info. Maybe they'll have another round of beta testing? My hope is that they are hard at work trying to figure out the skipping problem on Apex's. ;)
SonyEPM wrote on 3/14/2003, 1:09 PM
Thanks for all who responded to the beta inquiry. We are not accepting any more beta testers at this time. A DVDA 1.0a update, and a list of what items were fixed in the update, should be available for download early next week. This forum will be notified instantly when the update is posted.
Ratheon wrote on 3/16/2003, 11:43 AM
Hopefully they will also address some of the supported drive issues. I can't even get to the point most of you are at because my drive isn't supported even though th DVDA page leads you to believe it is.